The Reveal

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As Elizabeth logged on that night, she couldn't help the overwhelming nerves that overtook her but she knew it was now or never. She walked towards the clearing where they always meet, although she wasn't that early, it felt like a lifetime before everyone was there.

"Yo Lucas," Ethan yelled as he walked over,

"Are you ready for next week because I don't know about you but I am so exited," he spoke swiftly, not noticing the sorrowful look on my face.

"Hey, Lucas, you ok?" Xavier asked, he was always good at reading people, but as he said that everyone finally noticed how nervous and fidgety I probably looked,

"Uh yeah, about that," I started off nervously,

"Lucas, what is is?" Brandon questioned, sounding generally concerned,

"Look, what I'm about to tell you, don't freak out and please know I'm sorry I never intended for it to go this far," I spoke, trying to muster up some courage for what i was about to do,

They all looked at one another before turning to look at Lucas, Keith stepped forwards before finally speaking,

"Lucas, what's wrong, this isn't like you," he asked, worried,

"Look just, I've been lying to you, all of you, and I'm really sorry I really waned to tell you all I was just scared about how you would react..." I said as I built up the courage to finally tell them,

"Just tell us already," Brandon spoke sounding impatient, but even so you could see the worry in his eyes,

"My name isn't Lucas.." I spoke before I was cut off by Ryan,

"So, that's not you real name, no big deal," he spoke, not letting me get to the big part,

"No its just... my real name is Elizabeth," I spoke, tension leaving my shoulders as I looked down, the floor suddenly seeming very interesting,

It took a moment before there eyes seem to widen and they finally got what I meant. I expected lots of different reactions, betrayal, hurt, disgust I wouldn't be surprised if they hated me by now, so when I heard a totally man like squeal, I finally looked up just in time for Ethan to come bounding over and picking me up in a bone crushing hug.

"Holy shit, my best friend is the most badass girl ever!" He shouted as I froze, this is not the reaction I was expecting,

When he finally put me down I couldn't help but look at all of there faces, instead of the reactions I was expecting, I saw pride like they were proud of me for lying to them,

"So your not mad, disappointed or even a little angry at me?" I questioned, not sure how to react in this situation.

"Oh don't get me wrong, I'm mad you didn't tell us sooner, but I understand why, and I have to agree with Ethan on this, you are pretty Badass." Brandon said, a little chuckle at the end, loosing the whole serious façade he put on at the start,

With that said, I couldn't help but feel the need to cry though without realizing it I already had begun too,

"Thankyou, I- I thought you would hate me or something," I muttered, relieved at this outcome, as I looked up at them I let out one of my biggest smiles before I was enveloped in a group of warm strong arms.

Yeah, I thought, maybe this wont be so bad after all.

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