Chapter 4:truth

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Being forced to go to the boarding house was not how I wanted to spend my night but the second school was out Elena basically dragged be there followed by Jeremy who was strangely quiet through the whole ideal.

I was forced to sit on the couch by Damon as everyone began talking about How my brother made his first move at lunch today. I missed it of course considering I ate with my brother. It didn't make sense to me. How could my brother be at two places at the same time. Was that even possible or am I missing something.

Just then Niklaus who was posing as Alaric walked into the room. We instantly made eye contact making me glare. I didn't like the fact I was being kept in the dark and the more i learned the more confused I became.

"I can take him" Bonnie exclaimed making me look away from nikky.

"Take him as in kill" questioned frowning slightly

"Have you been listening like at all. Nicklaus big bad hybrid out to kill Elena actually who are you" a  girl questioned staring me down.

"His the kid we have been telling you about. The kid Elena and Bonnie found " Damon Explains pouring himself a drink

"Ooh so your Henrik,I'm Caroline"

Ignoring the girl I learned name was Caroline I glanced at Jeremy "why am I here again?" I asked not seeing the point in my involvement. I'll never hurt Nikky

"About that,we don't trust you being alone with Elena " Damon snaps

Jeremy instantly stood up." His staying with me" he snapped

A look of surprise crossed everyone's face even Nikky you looked a little confused as well."Jeremy you have to understand his Nicklaus little brother. For all we know his working with him" Elena explained glancing at me

" your gonna lock me back up in a cell next to my deceased older brother " I questioned standing up. "You don't think that's a little messed up ,I mean this morning you wanted to play sister and brush my hair now I'm the bad guy because of whatever nik got going on with you guys" I added

Caroline stepped towards me forcing me to take a step back and glance at Alaric/nik who seems tense and ready to fight if it came down to it. "His just a kid guys his not gonna do anything. His been with Elena for a week and from what Jeremy has told us all he does is ask questions about everything he sees" she mused making me glare

"Not my fault everything is so different and difficult to use l I snapped glancing at Jeremy with slight betrayal. If I had known he was reporting back every move I made to his little friends I would have kept my distance. He didn't trust me like I trusted him and now it shows.

"I thought we were friends" I mumbled but it seemed everyone still heard me

"I am it's just-" Jeremy sighed looking at me sadly." You came out of nowhere sharing the same last name as the man wanting to kill my sister -"

I simply rolled my eyes. It was a lame excuse and he knew it.
"How about he stays with me. No vampire is invited in plus I can keep an easier eye on him while you guys plan" Alaric suggests looking at me

"Are you sure,we are pretty sure his a witch" Stephen piped in not liking the sound of this

"It's called warlock you idiot I'm male,witches are female " I snapped crossing my arms.

"Whatever of you think you can handle him have at it" Damon snapped grabbing onto My arm harshly

"Your hurting" I snapped tearing up but I went ignored as he dragged me towards Alaric who was tensed and slightly shaking with a glare in his eyes only I seem to catch.

I snatched my arm away from Damon and walked towards Alaric by myself. Without sparing anyone a glance I walked out while rubbing my arm. There was no doubt in my mind that it was as going to bruise by morning.

It didn't take long for Alaric/ Nicklaus to walk outside"are you ok"

"My arms gonna bruise by morning. I don't know what I did,why is he being so mean " I whined . I was taught not to show emotions which I'm good at but I'll never hide myself from my family.

"Don't worry about him, let's get you home" nik picked me up and before I knew it we were in an apartment and I was getting tucked into bed."I have mush to tell you little brother but for for sleep" Nikky ordered.

I nodded and relaxed into the bed" I love you nikky" I mumbled closing my eyes

"I love you too little brother" was the last thing I heard before sleep consumed me and nightmares of wolves plagued my dreams

Vote and comment. Henrick is at odds with the save Elena squad right.what should happen next

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