Chapter 27: Families

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Things have changed the last couple of weeks. I became friends with Marcel regardless of who my family were. He told me many stories and how he loved my sister in the past. It made me mad on how my siblings treated him then again I won't too surprised anymore. They basically abandoned me

Yes it was Elijah who was watching me and left but none of my siblings answered their phones meaning they all left me behind in my eyes.

It was hard at first but that only made me determined. They won't going to always be around and I needed to protect myself.

Marcel taught me how to fight during the night while I practiced magic throughout the day. I have taught Davina any and all spells I have learned and it grew us closer. She was nice and always patient with me even when I rambled on. Right now she was stronger than me because she had the other girls magic but she lacked knowledge just like me so it was fun learning and getting stronger together.

We learned what was important. Sitting down I grabbed a dagger and cut my palm open laughing when I saw the look of disgust on Davina face

"You better be able to heal yourself or Marcel is going to kill you " she eyed my hand and then eyed the grimore that held the spells we are practicing

Waving my good hand over my injured hand I whispered the spell "sanitatem" almost instantly did my hand heal making me smile and look at Davina who also had a smile of her own

"Spells come so easy for you" she sighed flopping down on our bed

"Well I watched my mother do spells all the time along with my villages local witch." I smiled at the memory. Life was so much easier then. I loved watching them do spells and helped collect ingredients

"You never really talk about your family. I have heard about your siblings from Marcel and that's it" she looked curiously at me and I couldn't help but frown at the thought of my family.

"Well my father won't the best father" I started off. I sat down beside Davina smiling softly when she put her hand in mine. "He hated weakness and to him Nik was weak and got beat daily for almost to no reason. I have never been beaten but the fear was still there. I loved him but also hated him"

The beating were still fresh in my mind. I hated that no one helped him. Everyone simply watched the abuse he had to endure on it own.

"My mother did her own thing, ignoring everything and basically everyone unless it benefitted her. I always loved watching her do magic from afar and fetching things she needed but that was all the use she really had for me.Kol was the troublemaker and loved pranks and causing problems. He was the fun brother while Beka loved making flower crowns and telling me stories at night" sighing I looked at Davina

"Nik was full of life despite his beating. Always playing fighting with us and keeping us away from father when he was angry. Lijah took care of us all the most teaching me anything and everything while Finn the oldest followed mother around everyday. He loved her the most and that's why he was always distant with the rest but he did take me on walks once in awhile.

"Your siblings don't seem like anything Marcel have told me. "Davina honestly looked confused and I didn't blame her. They have changed and not for the best

"That was before they became vampires. They have changed a lot now and I don't really know what to think of it "

"There monsters !"

I instantly snatched my hand away from her and stood up"they are still my family Davina and I still love them. Don't forget your family are not all good either" it was a low blow and I knew it but I didn't care. Her own mother let her be a harvest girl and lied to us both.

"Your right, my mother messed up and lied to me. I guess both are families are messed up then" Davina looked down sad at the thought and I couldn't help but be saddened by the news as well. Our families was indeed messed up .

Honestly there's was nothing I could do to change that no matter how much I wanted too.

Vote and comment. What should happen next? Should we have some Marcel bonding or should we move onto the mikaelsons moving into town?

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