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An hour or so later, filled with complaining and stomach rumbling, we were called to the Mayor's office at the town hall. I had no idea where we were but smiled my way through everything. Another hour later we were stood on the town steps in front of a cheering crowd. The beaming Mayor handed us a cheque and the second Lotte touched it the symbol converted into Euros. I sighed, Rebecca groaned and Lotte couldn't stop apologising. The Mayor laughed wholeheartedly and gave us another cheque after declaring the first one void. I held onto the new cheque and we cashed it in to Rebecca's account. Immediately she withdrew the money and we went shopping.

"Food first," Lotte said the second we stepped out into the afternoon sunlight. "McDonalds, Pizza Hut... wherever we want!" She grinned and we headed towards the nearest McDonalds. After ordering our food and simply getting a coke for Loki we sat down at the table. I took a chip and yelped, almost dropping it.

"This is the first time I've ever got a hot chip," I joked. Lotte and Rebecca laughed. Loki was still examining the paper cup suspiciously.

"What is this?" he said when we'd quietened down again. "This liquid. It is brown and red and bubbles."

"That's coke," Lotte said. Loki frowned.


"A drink," I explained. 

"How do I drink it in this paper goblet?"

"Through the straw." I picked up my own drink and showed Loki how you drank through a straw. He watched closely then tried it with his own drink. He took a sip then started coughing, almost spitting it out. Bubbles erupted from his nose and he held a hand over his mouth, shaking and spluttering. Lotte and Rebecca were in fits of laughter and I couldn't help but smile at the horrified look on Loki's face. 

"What is this potion?" he asked when he finally stopped choking. I took the cup off him before he crushed it and put it a the far end of the table. By now we were getting quite a few odd looks so I tried to quieten our company down a bit.

"Aw," Lotte said, pointing at the latest character creation. Rebecca spotted it and her eyes softened and she went quiet. I smiled; the adipose were pretty cute, despite being made of living fat.

"The ideal alien for in here," I said with a shrug. Loki's eyes followed the adipose around, shoulders tensed and one hand clenching and unclenching. I knew that he was yearning for his staff and my theory was proved when he turned to me with puppy-dog eyes. I shook my head and made the fat monster vanish. I heard disappointed groans from all over the resturant and I grinned. I'd made our group go silent and had diverted everyone else's attention from us. Mission = successful.

"Where now?" I asked once we'd walked down the street and dumped our rubbish in a bin. Lotte shrugged but Rebecca's eyes lit up.

"Sweet shop!" she cried. I laughed and we followed her to the nearest sweet shop. She was like a homing pigeon, instinctively knowing the way. Or maybe her powers let her do it. 

"How much have we got left?" I said before we went inside. Rebecca turned to me impatiently. 

"You have one thousand pounds, I have about nine hundred and fifty, Lotte has God knows how much and Mr Frost Giant has nothing but a fancy outfit. We have enough, George." She rolled her eyes and darted into the shop. Her squeal of delight made me and Lotte laugh as we followed her inside.

Rebecca bought mainly mints. Lotte bought loads of different sweets, taking ages choosing. I bought two bags of jelly sweets and our trio decided to get Loki an assortment of different sweets to see what he liked best. Once we'd made our purchases we walked to the nearest bench and sat down.

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