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The images twisted and molded together like someone had thrown a bucket of water over the page. The colours darkened and lightened, lines wriggling over the paper like worms in the dirt. The book moved, jumping across the desk towards me. I raised my hand and touched the page lightly. I gasped; it was warm, alive

"Woah," I murmured, attempting to drag my hand away. I was stuck to the paper. As I watched my hand was slowly pulled into the drawing, outline becoming sketchier and sketchier and more and more cartoon. I jolted forwards and slammed my other hand onto the table, trying desparately to pull free. 

"What's going on?" a new voice asked. Netra, a slightly annoying girl from my form, was behind us. Her mouth fell open as she saw the struggle I was having with my old artbook. She was about to tug it off me but I dragged it away. 

"Stop," I said. "I don't know what's happening but it's something odd. Strange, like."

"I'll try," Rebecca and Sophie said in unison, leaning forwards and clutching at the sketchbook. Rebecca squealed and Sophie glared at my book. They were both stuck in the paper.

"What do we do now?" I said tiredly. "Sit here and panic forever? Or-" I broke off with a yell. I was now trapped up to my elbow and Rebecca and Sophie were being pulled in too. Lotte reached forwards to try and help when we all vanished.

"What the frikkety frack?" I exploded the second we landed. "Why the hey did that happen?"

"Well that's just depressing," Rebecca sighed.

"Something is seriously wrong with your sketchbook," Sophie agreed.

"What happened?" another voice asked. "Um, hello? I could have been certain that I was in the middle of a fight..." The person trailed off, confused.

"Hi, fella, we're sort of lost," I said, spinning around. "And- oh wow. You're Loki."

"I am indeed," Loki said, looking at us in concern. "And you-" he pointed at me "are the goddess of deceit. You are the goddess of war and you are the goddess of all animals." He pointed at Rebecca and Sophie respectively. 

"So we're all goddesses?" Sophie asked. Loki nodded uncertainly.

"Did you not know?"

"Mate, you're the only god here," I pointed out. "Stop calling us fabulous cuz, and sorry 'bout this guys, we really ain't."

"You most certainly are Georgina, goddess of deceit," Loki countered. "You look the same, act the same, sound the same. And your Midgardian accent grows stronger when you are placed in a situation you do not know how to get out of."

"Shut up, Mister Frost Giant," I snapped. Loki took a step back, hands raised in surrender. 

"My apologies," he said. "But if you want some help, then..."

"Just tell us what we need to do," Sophie said. 

"Yeah, what powers do we get?" Rebecca asked eagerly. Loki's mouth twitched into a small smile.

"Guess," he said simply. "Test what you can do and- oh!" He broke off into Asgardian, swearing and cursing. The four animatronics from 5 Nights at Freddy's were stood in a line facing us. Foxy was the same dilapidated animatronic from the game, not the repaired version from my story. Freddy was grinning, Bonnie seemed nervous and Chica had her mouth wide open in a silent battle cry. Bonnie loped forwards, leading the group. His ear twitched and he appeared reluctant to move. 

Chica, however, was perfectly happy to dart forwards. My eyes flicked back towards Foxy who hadn't moved. Freddy's eyes were dark black with little white pinpricks in the middle. His bowtie and hat were black and he smiled satanically.

There was a whirring click from my right and I turned my head. Sophie was stood eye to eye with Bonnie, animatronic cat to animatronic rabbit. I fought off the urge to wolf whistle and watched. Sophie's head tilted to the right and Bonnie mimicked her. They continued in that fashion for quite a while, mirroring one another's movements. Suddenly Freddy was behind Bonnie, shoving the rabbit away and attempting to bite down on Sophie's head. She screamed and ducked away, overbalancing and hitting the grass. Grass? We were outside, but where was everybody else?

"Hey!" Rebecca shouted, dressed in full flaming battle armour. "Animatronic idiots! Come get me!" She swung her flaming sword and I immediately began to whistle 'I Can Swing My Sword'. She cut through Chica's ridiculous little bib so easily it was as if she were slicing through butter. She proceeded to chop off the chicken's wings and one leg, sending it crashing to the floor, glitching away. Freddy lunged for Rebecca and his teeth snapped on her armour. She laughed, dancing out of the way of Freddy's desparate claw swipe. I was so absorbed in watching their fight that I forgot there was another animatronic.

Foxy flashed into my view, screeching. I yelled and swore and tripped over my feet as I stepped back. He screeched again, hook flashing. I dodged the swipe and scrmbled to my feet, fists raised. All of a sudden Foxy stopped, staring. 

"She is gone," a voice announced. I looked to my left and saw Golden Freddy stood there. His - can I call him that? After all, I've read up on what's supposedly their backstories - voice was deeper than I thought it would be but underneath the gravelly tones their was the tones of a five year old girl. I shuddered and Foxy turned back to me, sniffing the air with his metal nose. He screeched once more before they all vanished. Apart from Bonnie, that is. He stayed behind, stood at the Sophie-the-animatronic-cat's side. I frowned and spoke.

"Why isn't he gone?" I asked, pointing at Bonnie. His head snapped towards me and he glared, eyes burning. I took a step back, afraid.

"Where did you go?" Rebecca said, normal once more. Sophie's metal bolts faded away and her skin returned human. I shrugged and Loki appeared again. It was as if he were a guide for us or something.

"Like I said," he shrugged. "Goddess of deceit. She tricks people into thinking whatever she wants. She wanted to vanish and be safe, Foxy and the other animatronics thought she was gone and hence, they couldn't kill her. When she wanted to talk and be seen then she appeared again."

"'She' has a name, y'know," I said grumpily. Loki bowed his head.

"Of course, Georgina," he said. "My apologies. The animatronics frightened me, if you must know."

"By the way, Loki, have you ever met us before?" I said suddenly. "Like, not in Asgard. In Midgard or Other Midgard."

"We're not in your story," Rebecca laughed. I folded my arms and rolled my eyes.

"We're trapped in a page in my art book," I began, "a god thinks that we're goddesses, we have weird powers, our friends have been left behind in the real world, we're fighting animatronic fictional characters and Loki knows more about us than we do and he's only a year older than us. Roughly. Rebecca, Sophie, I hate to break it to you, but," I sighed, "I think we might actually be in one of my stories."

END (of book one, at least!)

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