Too Much Creepypasta...

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I grinned at my friends and walked after Loki into the woods. He'd vanished, green cape camoflauging him perfectly. I sighed and created a swirl of fairies around my head and along the rough path, lighting the way ahead. It got darker the further in we went but, looking directly upwards, we could see it was still around four PM.

"Loki!" I shouted, cupping my hands around my mouth. I heard Rebecca shout from somewhere to my right and Lotte call somewhere behind me and to my left. I spun around in a panicked circle. I didn't know we'd become separated. When? How?

"Guys?" I called uncertainly. "Where are you?"

"Here!" A glow shone through the thick tree trunks and I saw Rebecca, on fire from head to toe but still smiling. At the look of shock on my face she shrugged. "It doesn't hurt."

"I think I might be lost," Loki yelled unhappily.

"Well done," Lotte's sarcastic reply came through loud and clear and soon she was stood by my side. "I'm so proud."

"Why are you proud?"

"It's sarcasm, Loki," I sighed.


"I'll explain another time. Try to find us." I crafted a wand out of mid air - phoeniix feather core, of course - and murmured 'Lumos'. The wand tip lit up, a narrow ray of light illuminating the tree in front of me. I frowned and thought of a new spell.

"Morsmordre," I said and a green beam of light shot out of the wand. It curled into the sky above us, glowing gas forming the shape of a gigantic skull. Rebecca's fiery glow had faded and Lotte had her phone on torch mode. I smiled smugly to myself.

"How did you remember that?" Rebecca asked, staring at the sky. "The Dark Mark spell, right?"

"Yep," I replied. "I read too much, that's all."

"You could have summoned us a little Dumbledore, you do know that," Lotte grumbled. I looked at her sharply.

"Do not defy my plan with logic and reason," I snapped. She took a step back, hands raised in surrender and then vanished into the darkness. I brought my wand in front on my face and lit it up. She was completely gone.

A quiet cry from behind me made me spin around. I could hear somthing heavy, something the weight of a shortish human being dragged across the leaves. I gulped and my fear instinctively created a sword by my side. Arrows and a crossbow were slung across my back and I had guns holstered at the hip like a cowboy. I heard a twig snap and my terror reached new levels as Loki's golden staff appeared in my left hand. Trembling, I aimed it at the shadowy figure. 

"Shh," it whispered in a raspy, American voice. "Just go to sleep." I screamed and ran, my thoughts spiralling out of control as the killer loped along behind me. Every single nightmare I've ever had was brought to the front of my brain and crowded my vision so much that I tripped, unable to concentrate. My weapons vanished and I was in darkness once more. Fortunately this meant that th killer couldn't see me. I have pretty good night vision and I hear better when I'm outside so I knew where he was. Crawling away like a demented crab I shuffled along on my hands and knees until I whacked my head on a tree. Immediately I cursed and then screamed as a weight landed on my back. Twisting my head and thrashing about so that I wouldn't end up backstabbed I turned, able to see the man's face. It was lidless and pale, jet black hair topping it in a long messy tangle. His eyes were wild and demonic, pupils tiny like some sort of drug addict. And his smile... large scars curved from his mouth, dried and crusted blood visible underneath. He was grinning satanically and I screamed. Just at that moment the clouds parted and the sun came out, shining directly down onto me. I could see that the man was nothing but an incredibly clever hologram, designed to spook me. But it did actually have a knife.

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