~Original~ Parts 1-4, with A/N mixed in...

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A/N: I'm not separating this. I'm not continuing this. I'm not sure even why I'm posting this nightmare.


Percy walked out of the bathroom attached to his new dorm. It was day one of semester one of his third year in college, but looking at his new roommate, he was sent back to that very first day in the dorms.

Before his was a guy with pale skin and dark hair, dressed entirely in black. (This wasn't the same person and although they had never spoken, Percy knew exactly who it was.) Percy's new roommate was accompanied by who Percy guessed was the boy's war vet grandfather.

Why would you bring someone like that to your college dorm? Especially one that's yelling at you about everything.

"Ok, gramps, I'll be safe."

"And another thing! You stay away from those Kanes. They're trouble and you know it!"

"Alright great-grandpa Shu. I'll come visit you soon."

"You'd better."

Percy stood staring as the old man wandered out and the boy started placing posters up on his side of the room. They were mostly about death or dogs, except for one endorsing something called "Ma'at and the Feathers of Truth". Percy wasn't sure if it was a book or just something random because it featured a set of scales in darkness.

After a few minutes of watching, Percy introduced himself. "Hey, I'm-"

The boy cut him off. "I know who you are. Percy Jackson, the bane of many's existence. In the last two years, you have had two different roommates, both of which abandoned you and, coincidentally, started dating each other. You, on the other hand, have many lovers, most notably one Annabeth Chase and one Luke Castellian. You are studying oceanography and I don't very much care for your hair."

Percy stared at the boy, his left eye involuntarily twitching. "How did you-? We've never even-. What's wrong with my hair?"

"You may call me Anubis, almost everyone does, and I'm the best detective around. I made it my business to know what my roommate would be like. -You're such a player, aren't you?- I almost did like rooming with Carter, since then I got to see Sadie a bit. Carter told me a bit about you by the way, since you had that one night stand back in April. But, as I'm sure you noticed, my family doesn't care much for them."

Percy wasn't sure what to think about the boy.

"But since they aren't here, I can spend all the time with the Kanes that I want, which works out nicely since we're in a band together."


"Of course." Anubis gestured to one of the posters. "Ma'at and the Feathers of Truth! We're really into Egyptian Mythology and we play a lot of dubstep."

Percy wasn't sure he wanted anything to do with this boy.

"Look, we're having a show in a couple weeks. You should come and bring all your friends." Anubis slapped a flyer into Percy's hands before leaving the dorm.

First, I get stuck with someone who freaks out every time I bring someone over because he's in love with me. Then, it's a workaholic who just plain dislikes people and leaves me for my first roommate. Now, I get a detective who, oh my gods. Is that a dog?

Percy slowly backed towards the door after noticing the beast on Anubis' bed. It growled at him and Percy tried to remain calm. "Hey buddy. Did Anubis bring you? Oh shit!"

Percy ran from the room, slamming the door behind him when the "dog" jumped towards him.

That thing wants to eat me!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2017 ⏰

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