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Percy wanted to be anywhere but here. He sat in a booth with Nico and Jason, the only two of his friends willing to see "Ma'at and the Feathers of Truth" with him. Nico, because he kinda liked it, or at least, that's what Percy was going to assume. Perhaps he just really wants to tell Anubis to stay away again? Jason, because he just didn't have anything better to do.

After the first half hour, Jason left the booth. "That's it! I'm getting wasted. Maybe then this music will be good."

Percy knew that would probably end badly, but only remarked. "You don't get to blame us in the morning for letting you get wrecked."

"Don't care." Percy watched him wander off to the bar.

Percy made a mental note of all the band members, partly because there was nothing better to do and partly because they sucked. Sadie Kane, a history major, was screaming random things into the microphone. Her brother Carter was bouncing around the stage with his guitar. Alyssa, an art major, was sitting on the edge of the stage, and strumming her base. Anubis was playing classical music on the "Yo! Yeah!" feature of his keyboard. (Nico noted Ode to Joy, the Nutcracker March, and the Honeybee were bits he could identify in Anubis' music.) Walt, a big black guy, was looking bored (as did a majority of the club) and tapping every third note on his drums, which featured a feather on the base drum. Percy noted that it was also the only feather the entire group had anywhere. And, to top it all off, they were all wearing cotton pajamas.

Even with all things considered, they sucked, majorly.

Percy whispered into his friend's ear. "Do you even like them?"

Nico shrugged. "Not really."

Percy stared at him. "Then why are we even here?"

Nico raised an eyebrow. "Really Percy? You are here supporting your roommate and I am here supporting you supporting your roommate."

Percy half shook his head. He was to the point of no longer caring how the night ended.

Nico rolled his eyes. "Look the show should be almost over soon anyway. When their done, we can find Jason and go."

After another fifteen minutes (and Percy nearly falling asleep), the show was over and some other DJ came out as the band packed up. Nico dragged Percy to "congratulate" them, though Percy was pretty sure it was just so Nico had an excuse to say "You've played here, now stay out forever."

Percy finished his drink as a young boy wandered over. "You were so awesome tonight!"

Sadie turned to face the boy, while the other three continued to pack up their instruments. "Felix, you shouldn't be following us around. These places can get really dangerous."

As if on que, Nico and Anubis got in a fistfight. Percy could hear Sadie saying "Oh, not again," as he calmly pulled Nico back and Walt did the same to Anubis.

Nico brushed away, disgusted. "Come on Percy. Let's go find Jason and get out of here."

They found him almost immediately, in a corner, making out with a brick wall. Percy slapped his face  before leading his away.

Though Jason kept trying to go back. "No! My baby!"

"Nope, it's time to go, Superman."

Jason whispered "Call me," and though no one could prove it, it seemed as though the wall was crying.

As they walked out into the dark night, Nico groaned when he saw the time on his pocketwatch. "Dam it. Rachel's locked the door by now."

Percy was feeling extra sympathetic at that moment. "Well, I'd invite you to stay with me, but seeing how you were just punching my roommate in the face, I don't think that's the best idea."

The boys looked at each other for a moment.

"Tavy's?" Jason gave massive puppy dog eyes to Percy with the question, but the raven haired boy shook his head. Jason would be asleep long before they could get to Luke and Octavian's place on the other side of town.

Percy caught eyes with Nico as he tried to keep Jason upright. It wasn't their favorite place, but it was close.

They both sighed. "Piper's?"

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