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Percy and Nico had their arms under Jason's shoulders, and were half dragging the boy to Piper's Bed and Breakfast. It was late and Percy didn't trust leaving his friends alone. He knew both of them would get into trouble if he did and just because Percy could be a bit of a slut didn't mean he wasn't loyal to his friends.
Piper opened the door before Percy could knock. He smiled at her. "Hey girl, got any rooms for the night?"
Although she wasn't his type, Piper was a knockout. She was a native American with choppy hair that, though everyone wanted to, no one could touch. She didn't take any classes, but she was college age and a member of Percy's core group of friends. And she loved to get involved with whatever cause/protest rally was sweeping the campus that week. She was one of the first to take a stand against drunk driving following Bianca's death. Percy both respected and admired her, and also found her a little scary. If she wasn't on your side of a discussion, your side was doomed.
Percy had never been able to decide what color her eyes were, and, even now, he could just call them hypnotic as they bored into him. "What did you to Jason?"
Percy didn't have an answer. It was hard enough just talking to the girl. Luckily, Piper's charms didn't work on Nico, so he answers for Percy. "He got himself drunk at the club because he didn't like the music."
Jason chose that moment to speak, though Percy thought he had passed out ages ago. "piper yeou're so cpretty."
Piper gave them a half sided smile. "Come on in. I've got one room left." She led the boys inside, grabbing a key from her office and leading them to the back of the house. "You should be happy I didn't leave you on the streets." She was whispering, though the boys knew this was the only public bedroom on the first floor. "Not only am I a sucker for Jason's sweet talk, but I am a nice person. Knowing that I left you outside doing who knows what would not be good for my conscious."
Percy could see Nico roll his eyes at that statement. He figured it was just because Nico didn't like a lot of people.
Piper showed the boys the room. "This is all I got boys." She placed the key in Percy's hand and left the boys in the doorway. He almost wished they had gone to the Castellan house. Sure, Luke was out of town, but maybe Percy could have handled being in the same building as Octavian for a night if he was home. Anything would be better than the red velvet wallpaper, heart shaped bed, very very pink room.
Because they just had to get the honeymoon suite.
Percy was so done, he almost didn't care.
Percy handed Nico the key and carried Jason into the room bridal style just to get him through the door. "sh percy. lovee n hemarts just fro us." Jason gave him a smile as Percy laid him on the far side of the bed.
Percy shook his head and pulled off Jason's shoes, before removing his own. "Let's just get some sleep." He turned to find Nico had shut and locked the door.
Percy got the middle of the bed with Nico on the opposite edge. Being a queen bed, the boys were crowded together, and Percy wouldn't have minded if it was anyone but Nico. (OK, or maybe Octavian.) Sure, they were friends and former lovers, but their friendship was still on the mend. He still wasn't entirely comfortable around the pale boy.
Percy was glad the moonlight was shining thorough the window behind him, so he could see Nico without Nico seeing the blush which was most likely on his cheeks.
"I heard you and Anubis weren't good together."
Nico nodded.
"Did you think that you would start fighting?"
Nico stared straight at Percy, not blinking, just keeping his eyes focused on the other boy. "I wasn't surprised when it happened. Anubis and I fight like that a lot."
"Then why did you come? If you figured it would happen.."
Nico closed his eyes and placed his head against Percy's chest (to keep him from falling off the bed of course!) "There's no point in trying to explain. Anubis is delusional. We both have our demons, and we shouldn't mix, no matter how much he tries."
Percy couldn't ask any more questions. Nico was nearly asleep, and Jason was very much out, and Percy was fading fast too.

A/N: Aaaaaannnnnddddd....I really needed to write that night.

And here's a link to the drunk translator used for Jason's speech: http://www.zantherus.com/fun/drunkpost.php

Sorry for the late updates. Hopefully it won't take another year and a half for part 5. ;)

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