The Stalker Returns

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Her blood ran cold when she saw the disturbingly familiar figure--stocky, bespectacled, awkward mousy smile, receding hairline, face shiny with a thin sheen of what was certainly more grease than glow.

It really wasn't about the appearance, Yejin had always maintained it wasn't looks that she looked out for in a man.

A lot of people in Spackman High and Yonsei University called her a hypocrite for that, but haters gonna hate, so she'd just keep shaking it off.

Enough digression.

The bigger problem was the one she couldn't seem to shake off.

She couldn't believe her eyes. How did he even find out she was attending Yonsei University?

"Why are you here?" Still traumatized by this crazy stalker, the usually polite and sweet student did away with the niceties.

"Hi Yejin...Yejin, I wrote you a song, I am going to play it for you on the piano. Do you want to hear me play? Let me play for you! I want to see your face when I play our song--"

"No, Yoon Soo. No. This conversation is over." The Year 1 business student pulled her tote bag closer to herself, walking briskly past the stuttering boy.

Just her luck, it was the one day in the week when Bin had lessons and she didn't.

Who'd have imagined that a trip to the convenience store outside of campus would result in a chance meeting with her stalker?

But it seemed like she still had some luck left.


"Yo." With one hand stuffed in a pocket, and the other half-raised in greeting, Hyun Bin sauntered towards the shorter boy and Yejin, whose eyes had lit up upon seeing him.

"I'm sorry I'm late. Are you alright?" He asked concernedly, relieved when Yejin nodded.

Gently pulling his girlfriend such that she stood behind him, he tilted his chin challengingly in Yoon Soo's direction.

"Why is it you again?" The stalker asked, pointing at Hyun Bin as his lower lip trembled involuntarily.

Clearly, he hadn't forgotten about the 'accidental' shots the basketball team captain had fired at him back in high school. "Stop pestering my Yejin!"

"That's my line, you creep." Incensed, Hyun Bin narrowed his eyes at the significantly shorter guy. "Why shouldn't I be here?"

Trying to puff his chest out to look more intimidating, Yoon Soo retorted, "You are only a close friend, her affairs are none of your business--"

"Wow, you can't even do a decent job at being a stalker." The basketball player couldn't even believe his ears. "You have time for writing those crappy songs for Yejin, and all those cheesy notes and captions, but not for some basic research?"

"What research?" The stockier boy's eyes were widened, with nostrils flared, in mounting horror.

Huffing silently, Hyun Bin rolled his eyes, before turning to a surprised Yejin and pulling her into a kiss that lasted for perhaps a good twenty seconds.

Whether Yoon Soo had been traumatized, they'd never know, for he had disappeared by the time the kiss ended.

Calling for a late night meeting with his girlfriend, the former basketball captain informed her of his grand plans to end this nonsense with Yoon Soo once and for all.

"First, we hijack his hashtag. Of course, we'd need Hyojin and Ha Neul to help with this, and get them to rope our new friends in too."


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