Chapter V

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It was predawn. Leafy couldn't see properly, so she had to rely on her other senses. Placing one paw forward at a time, she made her way forward into a neighborhood. Everything seemed so strange and unfamiliar. She knew the towering shapes were called "houses". Each house was lit up with two balls of light and glowed eerily, like sparks of fire. Leafy had been walking non stop for the past twelve hours, and hadn't slept since the day before. The streets gave her a sense of insecurity, like a predator would leap out and tear at her any moment. 

After a while, Leafy was able to pick up the scent of Ginger. It gave her hope, to know that her brother was close and she could bump into him any second. 

She continued walking. His scent wasn't getting any stronger. Where are you? Leafy thought in frustration. She felt clumsy and slow. She hadn't had anything since she left three days ago and she was sure she couldn't find anything in this strange place.

Exhausted, Leafy crumpled beneath a elderflower bush.

Just then, a huge shape flew at her and knocked the breath out of her body. Leafy wasn't fully aware of what was happening as something sharp latched itself onto her shoulder. Stop. Leafy tried to push the shape off of her, but it was quite a bit larger and she couldn't do it. Leafy felt fear rise in her. What is this thing?

"No! Stop! That's my sister!" Leafy raised her head sleepily. Why did that voice sound so familiar? Was it Granny Onions?

"What?" The shape got off her. 

More voices. "Leafy! What are you doing here? Did you decide to follow me on my journey?"

Leafy saw the blurred shape of Ginger. The dogs eyes were wide with disbelief and happiness. 

"I think she's dazed. We should let her sleep for a bit." Leafy tried to pry her eyes wider. Who was the other voice? Why were there two animals here? Did Ginger someone else? Why did that shape attack her?

"It's alright Leafy." Ginger bent down and sniffed his sister. "That's only Caramel and she's here to help."

Strange name. Leafy thought, as she finally dozed off.

"Is she awake yet?" Leafy opened her green eyes and saw slanted blue ones staring back at her. She felt the fur on her spine rise.

"It's okay Leafy," Ginger pushed forward, "It's only Caramel."

Leafy nudged Ginger out of the way and saw Caramel well for the first time. It had sharp pointed ears, unpleasantly thick and fluffy fur, and eyes like chips of ice. 

Leafy gagged. "What the heck Ginger? What is this thing doing here?"

"I can here you, you know." Caramel's voice had quite a hard edge to it.

"Why is she here?" Leafy's bark was sharp with fear.

Ginger looked at Leafy with his clear blue eyes. "I never got to tell you why I left. I left because I had a vision, a few weeks ago, about Birch, our father. He told me how he never meant to leave us, but he had no choice. He told to go east and that I would find unexpected help, which will bring me to him."

Leafy tried to digest what she heard. "Are you sure it wasn't a dream? Seems very far-fetched to me." There was a seed of doubt in her heart though. Leafy recalled what Pumpkin told her. I must follow him!

Pumpkin also warned her to be careful of whom they trust. Leafy eyed Caramel with suspicion, but the brown tabby just stared back unconcernedly. 

Leafy looked back at Ginger, who was staring at her with hope. Leafy sighed. 

"Do you know where our father is?" She mewed to Caramel.

The she-cat blinked. "I thought it would take longer to convince you! Birch was last seen at my tribe, the east cat tribe. We don't know his location now, but Flurry could give you the direction he took off."

Leafy narrowed her green eyes. "What do you mean he took off? Did any of your tribemates hurt him?"

Caramel's eyes widened. "Of course not!" She hissed. "We are kind to all those in need! Birch decided that life with the tribe wasn't his taste."

Understanding clawed her heart. Birch must have wanted to come back.

"This must have happened month ago!" She hissed aloud. "Why isn't Birch home yet?"

Ginger glared at her sharply. "If Birch wasn't in a tight situation, why would I have received the vision?"

"Are you sure it's real?" Leafy hissed through clenched teeth.

"Stop arguing with me! Let's just follow Caramel to her tribe and-"

"What if the tribe's malicious and kidnap's us?"

"Why would they do that to random dogs?"

"Well A cat told me that things aren't what they seem like!"


Leafy briefly explained her encounter with Pumpkin. 

"She visited me too!" Ginger barked. "She didn't say anything about not wanting us to go on a journey."

Leafy frowned. "Since when did we listen to complete strangers?"

Ginger's claws teared at the grass. "Listen. Let's just go to Caramel's tribe and asked for directions, if you don't like it there, we'll go back home."

Caramel, who had been listening, walked away. Ginger glanced at Leafy and followed her. Leafy hesitated, before following them towards rising sun.

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