Chapter Vll

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"We're almost there!" Caramel gasped. "You see below these hills? That's where our territory begans."

She looked anxiously at the two young dogs. "On the name of Flurry! I haven't even told you how to behave inside my tribe!"

Leafy narrowed her eyes. "What do you mean?"

"We have a couple of basic rules." Caramel began. "Whenever you see her, bow in a friendly manner. Be respectful to every single tribemate, especially her and Frost. She may treat you like a permanent guest, so just go along with it. Don't ask her too many questions, she won't respond if she's overwhelmed. Don't take any food from our prey pile unless she or Frost invites you too-"

"Who's Frost?" Ginger interrupted. "You mentioned her twice already."

"She's Flurry's assistant. She's suppose to tell Flurry everything she hears, so never insult her or anyone in front of her."

Leafy wrinkled her nose. "Flurry sounds like a bully."

"She didn't mean that." Ginger said automatically.

Caramel laughed. "Flurry's not bad at all, she could be independant at times and she challenges cats who get in the way, though all she does is for the good for the tribe."

Leafy felt discomfort squirm inside her. She glanced at Ginger and saw that he felt the same way.

"Well, let's go!" Caramel trotted down the hill and the dogs followed reluctantly. 

 They made there way through the rocky hills and down to a campsite, enclosed with more rocks. Caramel squeezed through the entrance, a few prickly bushes into a vast clearing. There were at least a dozen cats, all sunning themselves on the stones or eating prey. One of them opened an eye. 

"Caramel? Is that you?" She mewed. She was a black cat with amber eyes. 

"Yes, it's me Raven."

Raven narrowed her eyes at the two dogs. "Are they with you?" She flexed her claws.

Leafy pressed against the entrance, ready to rush out at the first sign of danger.

"Yes. Don't hurt them."

"Flurry!" Another cat mewed. "It's Caramel! She's back with some visitors!"

Suddenly a large silver tabby leaped off a stone at the heart of the camp-site. "You've been gone for a while, sweetie." She purred. "I thought I lost you."

"But I came back." Caramel nodded towards Ginger and Leafy. "And with some visitors."

Flurry blinked. "You two do look familiar. You're here for a reason, aren't you?"

Ginger bowed. "We're here to ask whether you know where our father is. His name is Birch." He suddenly looked uneasy. Flurry's eyes were acid green and unwelcomingly emotionless.

Flurry nodded. "Watch them." She ordered a white she-cat. She walked away into a pile of ferns, her tail trailing on the ground. Caramel glanced at Ginger, before following Flurry.

Ginger blinked politely at the white she-cat. "Hello." He barked nervously.

The she-cat returned her gaze, her ice-blue eyes flashing unwelcoming. Ginger looked away and pawed the ground.

Leafy edged towards Ginger. "Are you sure this is worth it? I don't think these cats welcome us in their camp." She whispered.

Suddenly Flurry returned. "You two must be hungry!" She exclaimed. Suddenly her voice seemed much more open. "Help yourself with some prey." She raised their voices. "Everyone meet these two young dogs, Leafy and-Caramel muttered something in her ear-Ginger. They are Birch's two children and will be staying with us for a while."

There were a few gasps and mutters. 

Flurry guided the two dogs to a row of prey. "Help yourselves. Once your done, you can socialise with my tribe mates. If you need anything, ask me."

"Uh-" Leafy said. "You still haven't told us anything about Birch-"

Flurry walked away. "Help yourselves with the prey, we can speak later."

Ginger glanced at Leafy before snatching a sparrow and tearing at it. Leafy still felt uneasy, but she might as well eat. As Leafy was finishing her share of prey, she noticed a shadow slip pass in the distance. "Birch!" She gasped.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2023 ⏰

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