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Once every 100 years, an Ender Dragon spawns...

They appear in another dimension, but can still attack the overworld from there...

The one powerful enough to defeat them will be deemed a hero...

And will be covered with gold, pride, honor, and respect...

Many will try to defeat the dragon and even fight each other to do so...

Only the strongest will win the prize...

Will you become the next hero?


One day, three friends set off on a journey to defeat the Ender Dragon...

Through many obstacles, they powered through as a team...

As they encountered enemies, they also made friends along the way...

The trio defeated the Ender Dragon and was now considered heroes...

The people of the Overworld welcomed the new heroes and held a festival as a celebration...

Now showered with riches and honor and respect...

With all the money one of them decides to buy 1000 muffins- wait, 1000 muffins????

*ahem* the trio: Skeppy, Badboyhalo, and A6d decide on what to do next...

They haven't seemed to realize that their adventure isn't over yet...

And so many new friends and enemies they're going to make in the future...

It has only just started.

Videogame AU: Legends Never DieWhere stories live. Discover now