S1 EP3: What brain cells?

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Summary: The trio and Spifey get stuck in the puzzle map.

This chapter is inspired by these 3 skeppy vids:







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Skeppy gawked as he and his friends went inside Spifey's "house" which was just a small wooden blocky house on the outside but the inside was somehow much bigger.

Skeppy gawked as he and his friends went inside Spifey's "house" which was just a small wooden blocky house on the outside but the inside was somehow much bigger

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"I- are you good? Am I good? What is happening??" Skeppy placed both his hands on his temples in utter disbelief.

"I don't know man, how are your brain cells doing? Did you lose them yet?" Spifey just smiled innocently and acted as if nothing was wrong.

"Woah this is very trippy but also cool! How is this even possible?" Bad looked around the room in awe.

"You know when I agreed to go on adventures with you guys...this isn't what I meant," A6d said as he just stood there and Bad came over to him, "Oh c'mon A6d, this looks pretty fun!"

A6d thought otherwise as he watched Skeppy losing his mind and looking as if he had been revealed the answers to all of life's mysteries to him but all of the answers had sucked. Badboyhalo petted the dog that was in the room and waved at the piglin- PIGLIN???

"We should get going now," Bad stood up, "I'm so excited to show you guys the puzzle map that my team built!"

"Thanks for inviting me, can't wait to hang out with you guys," Spifey said.

"No problem Spiffy!" Bad replied.

"It's Spi-"

"I bet Skeppy already regrets inviting you though," A6d interrupted laughing while pointing at the diamond man, who was still in his 'no thoughts, head empty' phase.

"I guess that's what he gets for being friends with you guys," The beaver man chuckled and poked at the immobile Skeppy.

He and Skeppy became great friends after the trio's ender dragon journey. Skeppy was the one who suggested they should invite Spifey out of all people, even though his brain cells were stolen by the latter when they first met.

"Well let's go now," A6d said while Spifey nodded, and they both walked out the door. Meanwhile Bad had to physically drag Skeppy out of the house whose brain was short-circuited and still frozen in shock.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2023 ⏰

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