S1 EP1: Where are they now?

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Summary: After The Trio defeats the ender dragon, the people of the overworld hold a festival as a celebration.

I know I said I would start after Shiny finishes her fic but I can't wait so...

you don't have to read Shiny's original au fic but I think it would make some sense if you would. It's ur choice tho lol


Once every 100 years, an Ender Dragon spawns. Everyone expected Technoblade to claim his victory once again but something unexpected happened.

Instead, it was just three friends who were brave enough to venture out and become newly-fledged heroes themselves. Of course, they would be lying if they said it was easy but the struggle and the hard work were worth it in the end. They met many enemies but also made new friends along the way. Even rivals respected them as they were strong and capable enough to meet their standards.

People welcomed the new heroes with open arms and held a festival as a celebration in honor of Skeppy, Badboyhalo, and A6d. Skeppy was called up for a speech because he was the one who got the last hit on the dragon. But of course, Skeppy was having none of that. Without his friends by his side, they wouldn't have been able to defeat the dragon so he mentioned that everyone should give the same level of respect and credit to Bad and A6d as well.

After the speech was a party. A very chaotic one. Skeppy takes a look around, he sees Spifey doing some tricks with his powers as the crowd seems mesmerized but doesn't realize their brain cells are being stolen. Zelk was rambling about god knows what while Mega wasn't paying attention as he just stared at his phone, probably watching cat videos or roasting someone on Twitter. Finn and Tapl were having a small conversation and next to them was Wilbur ruffling Tommy's hair and teasing him about something. The blonde child shouted curses as his best friend, Tubbo, laughed. Philza shook his head smiling, watching the scene unfold. There were so many people he wasn't very familiar with but he could tell they were having a blast.

Skeppy took a look around and saw the Dream Team dancing like they didn't know how to dance but at least they were having a great time. He was glad they finally reunited and reconciled their friendship. George was grinning widely as his shoulder was wrapped around by Dream and with Sapnap on the other side, laughing.

No one else knew what actually happened in The End but The Trio, Dream, and a few others swore to keep quiet for the sake of George as he was still recovering from that event.

Skeppy looked around once again, he felt something was missing until he heard a deep monotone voice next to him.

"So how's the clout?"

"GAH!!" Skeppy recoiled and almost spilled his drink as he gawked at his long-time rival and the blood god himself.

"You scared the crap out of me!" Skeppy yelled. Technoblade smirked and held back laughter.

"Shut up!" Skeppy crossed his arms, annoyed. "What are you even doing here anyway? Aren't you busy sulking that I managed to beat you and the ender dragon first?"

Technoblade rolled his eyes, "No, just wanted to have a chat."

"A chat..?" Skeppy stared at the blade, confused as to what they needed to have a chat for.

"Heh, I really did underestimate you, back then you were just a kid I pummeled on every skywars match," Techno looked away, reminiscing the past. "How's everything been treating you?"

"Oh, it's been crazy! People can't stop asking for my autograph haha!" Skeppy grinned. "Invadedlands is at overcapacity, we might have to create another server or revamp it."

"But it's fine though cuz we're rich," Skeppy jokingly boasted while Techno let out a huff.

"I guess the fame has gone through your head already. Smh."

Skeppy feigned offense

"That's hilarious coming from you."

The two talked and laughed for a few minutes before Bad called Skeppy over.

"Skeppy over here! We're finally getting cake!" Bad beamed brightly as he waved and he noticed A6d was waiting for him too.

Skeppy walked towards his friends, he turned around one last time,

"I'll see you around, Techno!"

"Later nerd," Techno let out a small smile.

The rest of the festival has gone by in a flash. Everyone was enjoying their cake. Before that, Skeppy tried to steal it all to himself like the troll he is, leading to many people, especially Bad, chasing him down.

Fireworks blasted up in the sky as the Trio watched. Everyone seemed mesmerized and could watch this go on forever.

After the festival, everyone went back home. The Trio went on their separate ways to their home as well.

As Skeppy opens the door to his house, he sees Rocco sprinting across and pouncing on Skeppy excitedly.

"Hey, buddy! aHAHAah stop!" Skeppy laughed as Rocco licked his face over and over.

Skeppy changed into his ducky pajamas and tiredly made his way to his bed. Rocco jumped on the bed nuzzling right next to Skeppy. Skeppy chuckled and slowly closed his eyes as darkness took over his vision.


A few months have passed, where are they now?

Skeppy and Badboyhalo host minigames with cash prizes. Skeppy finally revamped the Invadedlands server, even hiring Mega and Zelk as staff. A6d managed to get his own radio show while inviting guests over for a debate show with Bad.

Technoblade settled down to the life of potatoes, eventually competing against some 'squid kid' to win the potato war and claim the potato crown from the prestigious server owner, Simon of the Hypixel Network himself. 'Settling down' they said.

With Dream, George, and Sapnap finally reuniting and reconciling their friendship,

Dream is striving to become a legend, training and challenging himself to become the first person to kill the ender dragon with people hunting him down. He is also planning to own land for his SMP so he and his friends can have a place to live and play on, but he may not be just inviting his friends...

Spifey is out stealing brain cells from villagers as always, and Tapl hosts UHC, while occasionally joining as well. Finn becomes an egirl....ok.

Skeppy felt accomplished as he watched Bad and A6d do their own things but he knew it wasn't over yet. There was still so much to do as a new hero, and he already acknowledged the high standards that everyone set up for them. But for now, he just wants to enjoy the moment.

This was only the beginning.

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