The dream

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Kyla takes a deep breath in
And sits up
She looks around but can't recognize anything
All she could see was long fields of flowers and bright luscious green trees nothing of the sort she had ever seen before
but then she turned around..
and saw...
A tall black Erie castle
All the plants that's surrounded the castle were dead
Black,  brown and shrivelled.
When she turned back around she saw a tiny little harmless looking plant
It almost looked like a card
A 10 of diamonds
Omg a card she exclaimed
She reached out to touch it
But heard a distant voice
"STOPPPPP it's poisoned"
She frantically reached away from the plant
"The evil queen planted it!!!" Said the mysteriously voice
The evil queen?
Yes and that is her castle right there
As he pointed to the dark Erie castle surrounded by the dead plants.
Oh my said Kyla
Wait who are you come out from the bushes! Said Kyla
I am Holden out walked a giant Red dragon
Who are you?
I am Kyla
I don't know what I am doing here?
You must be the person that they sent to defeat the evil queen ZOE
you must be! Said holden
Whoa I think you got the wrong person. Said Kyla
It is you you even have the matching bracelet of the Queens. Said holden
Oh okay well what do I have to do?
You have to defeat the evil queen Zoe!!!!!
And how am I gonna do that?!?!
Well I've been waiting for you for a long time. And I've also been sent to defeat the evil queen to.
Whoaaa said Kyla
We will be a great team. said holden
So the plan, you are going to ride on my back up to her castle and defeat her by taking her crown off! Sounds pretty simple right? Well there's two guards that surround her at all times so we have to take them out first!!
I'm in! Said Kyla

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