Not a Chapter

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Any reference Y/N makes is her making it, but references other characters make to stuff not in the Ducktales universe is me, the author, making it. Anything Y/N remembers from the show is something I actually remember. She only watched the first 10 minutes of the series finale, but she got as much information about it as possible, so she'll know what's happening to a point. I don't know Mark Beak's age, but because it's my personal headcanon (for some reason I associate young tech guys with this age) and for plot convenience, he's 17 (in the beginning). Technically, I think Lena's a year older than Webby, but Magica was in the dime for 15 years, so I say Lena's 15 (in the beginning). I'm changing my upload schedule to every fortnight, so the first chapter won't be out until next week.

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