In Need

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Shena's POV

With how powerful that shock was, I thought I'd be bleeding. Gladly, I was okay. "What was that?"
I asked her. "I don't know, maybe it's the frequency with our energies." She said standing up. I was confused. What energy, and what frequency. She did an awkward neck rub and put her hand in her pocket. "I have to go, I have uh... business to handle." She said before leaving.

I didn't know what to say, so I just let her go. What just happened? I don't have feelings for her like that, shit she doesn't even have feelings for me like that. Does she?


I just went for another shower. I wasn't even horny anymore. After my shower, I decided to head back to my club and reminisce before it's relocated. I was going to miss crazy ass New York, but I'm sure Brooklyn would be outrageous. Hell Bound had been around for only 5 years, but it felt like 20. I went behind the bar and poured me some sweet tea. Yes, just sweet tea. I sat there drinking and thinking, remembering how I didn't know anything about a fucking club, now I had the richest, trending, wealthiest club in the USA.

I had motherfuckers from Europe over here, and Asians. We all know they like to mind their own business, but they came to my shit. I was well known for my club, and it ain't dying yet. The party just begun, but the foundation. How it began, how long it took. You'll never get that back. There was a slap on my back. "She's going to be missed. You know, you kept this up very well. I didn't think you could handle it." It was my assistant, Ms. Yvette.

"Yeahh, used to tell me I wasn't ready." I said shaking my head. She laughed. "Yes I did, I doubted you. I'll never forgive myself for that, but look at us. Relocating the biggest club in one of the United States best cities. You came a long way, invested a lot too." She told me. I poured her her favorite: vodka. For a black woman, she sure loved vodka. Especially mixed with fruit punch. I just looked at her and she began to blush.

"Is there a problem, Shena?" She questioned. I smiled. "Nope, nothing at all. Just admiring your beautiful smile." Ms. Yvette was really pretty, I'll give her that. Sadly enough, she's straight. She grabbed some more vodka and took a long drink. "You're really attractive and sweet. You're honest, forgiving, no one would've expected you to be the damned devil." She laughed before drinking some more.

Was she okay? "I'm just baffled. Like why me, you know. Me, assistant of the damned devil." She was freaking the fuck out. She been known before Hell Bound. Why is she doing this now? Maybe the thoughts of this place and how it came to be is haunting her. "Ms. Yvette, are you okay?" She didn't answer just stumbled as she tried to stand on her own two feet. She couldn't go home like this. She'll just stay at my house.

I drove to my house and walked her into the door. She was stumbling and slurring with her fingers pulling my belt loop. I was struggling to keep my pants up. I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder. "Youuu.. are so fine Shen-." She stopped. "I got to throw up." She slurred. I rushed her to the bathroom and put the toilet seat up and she let it out.

Ughh, damn humans. This is why I don't drink.  When she was done, I gave her some water and removed her clothes. I let her have my bed and I slept on the couch.

I woke up feeling refreshed. I went to the restroom and peed before checking on Ms. Yvette. She was still knocked out. The Sun illuminating her eyes and her easy breathing was peaceful. I decided to make her some hangover tacos which consisted of a sunny side up egg with cilantro, beans, chopped bacon, sautéed tomatoes, red onions, sweet onions, shallot, red, yellow, orange, and green peppers. I made an orange juice on the side and went into my room where she slept.

"Evangela, Evangela. Get up." I shook her leg until she began moving in her sleep then she stretched and yawned. She let out a slight moan and when she lifted up, her breasts were exposed. "For me? Aww Shena, you shouldn't have." She said grabbing the plate and cup. She sipped the orange juice before biting into the Taco. She kept eating. "Is it good?" I questioned rhetorically. She let out a small giggle.

"Yes Shena, it's amazing." She said before sipping more orange juice. I went downstairs and made me some before coming back up. She was finished with hers and was now laying back down on her back. Her titties still visible through the silk. She was beautiful. I never pay attention to Ms. Yvette like that, but she's very much attractive. "You just gone look, or you gone get up here so we can watch Netflix?" She asked posted against the headboard with the cover over her body.

She flashed that big smile and I sat next to her eating my breakfast. I was getting nervous, around my assistant. This is ridiculous, I was being desperate and very much needy right now. Once I finished, I sat my plate on the end table and saup watching Netflix with Ms.Yvette. "I didn't know you could cook, that was really good." She said looking at me. "Yes ma'am, I can. I've been getting into it  ever since I beat dad's ass back in November of 2020." She laughed. I was serious.

I got into a fight with my dad because he thought it was okay to steal from me. My dad is a real bitch. "You're so violent Shena. It's almost hilarious, but you're so serious with it." She laughed. I laughed and she leaned in to me. I leaned in with her and kissed her. There was no shock, so I glad. Her lips were amazing, but they weren't Chance's. I grabbed her neck and sucked her tongue.  She moaned into the kiss and climbed on top of me.

She began grinding on me before getting off and pulling at my pants. "You sure you're not still drunk?" I asked sarcastically. "Shut the hell up." She pulled my boxes off and began kissing my pussy. Her lips felt good. She spread my lips apart licking my clit. Which felt amazing. I grabbed her head and guided her to my orgasm.

"Seemed stressed, you're welcome." She got up and left. I was drained. She had sucked all 4 nuts out of me.

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