Blessing and A curse

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—-Chance's POV

I woke up to an empty bed. Shena must be handling business, so I decided to shower and meditate. So I did just that. I stripped ass naked and hopped in the shower letting my hair down. The shower was the perfect temperature on my skin. As I began lathering myself in Method Men(a body wash for men) my back began to sting. I hopped out the shower looking in the mirror. She had scratched my back up bad. This wasn't any ordinary whip marks, she had dug her nails into my skin and scratched my shit up. The marks were a deep red with dried blood.

I was freaking the fuck out. I called her phone. "Hello?" She answered. "Yo these marks are deep as fuck!" I said looking at them again. "I know, I'm sorry. I noticed them this morning, I'm sorry Chance." She said with sympathy. Not gone lie, when I kept looking at them, they were kind of bad ass. "Soo.. do you have like razor sharp nails.. that kind of morph out when you get super turned on or-?" I felt awkward asking because I didn't want to annoy her or piss her off. "I never had anyone penetrate me, I only been penetrated through masturbation. I guess it was the pain that caused them to protrude out." She explained.

I nodded in agreement even though she couldn't see me. "How long will you be gone?" I questioned making myself blush. I kind of missed her. "Aww you miss me?" She sounded like she was smiling or probably blushing her damn self. "Naw, I was just curious." I lied. "Damn, excuse me. Well, if you must know, I'm going to have my product shipped from overseas which will take about 6 hours to process, then I have to set up a time where I can meet the owner of my new club spot in Brooklyn. That'll take some time." She explained.

"Oh, do you know the guy's name?"  I questioned. "Yes, Kennedy Green? Something like that?" She seemed unsure, but I knew exactly who that was. He was one of our rivals, Folk. Very arrogant, smart ass, meat-riding cold hearted bastard. I didn't trust her buying from him at all. "Chance! Hello?" Shena yelled in the phone. "Yeah, I'm sorry I zoned out." I told her. "It's fine." She insisted. "I'm sorry to bother you about this, I know you want to get your club back up and running, but this Kennedy guy is no good." I tell her rubbing the back of my neck.

"What do you mean?" She asked. "He's part of Folk, and he's an arrogant idiot. Very manipulative and conniving." I didn't trust him at all, not even his own members trust him. "I understand, but he can't be any worse than I am." She chuckled to herself. Oh right, she's the devil. Whoopty doo. "I hate to sound like the arrogant one, but I'm Diablo in flesh, doesn't get any worse than that baby." She said almost reassuring. I thought to myself smiling. Baby. It made me feel something that I liked but it didn't really sit right. It felt different. "Yes, that is true. Look I'm going to call you later to check on you. I'm going over a friend's." I don't know why I had the need to explain myself but I did.

"Aww, that's fine. I'll uh.. talk later then. See you later Chance." She said before hanging up. She was cute and it made me blush to myself. I was really feeling her, devil and all.


So, after making a very hard decision on something. I came to a conclusion, I cut my hair. I know, I know. I got one of Tech's boys to cut it, it was clean too. I loved it already, although I know Shena's going to be upset. After my visit to Tech's and a few deals, I decided to go back to Shena's. I could go back to mines, but it's lonely there. I played 2k on her game for awhile, then GTA. There was a knock at the door. "Who is it?!" I asked pulling my 9mm from my waist. I loaded it. "It's Kris!" She yelled. I opened it unloading my gun and putting it on the coffee table. "You know damn well you not gone use it, what you over here for anyway."

She asked mugging me a little. I laughed. "One, I can and will. Two, I made up to her. We're fine." I sat down watching her pick up the controller. "Ahh, she only needs some good communication and some pussy. She'll be fine." She laughed. She was right. "You did it huh? Don't lie." She said eyeing me up and down with a smirk. I turned around pulling my shirt up slowly. "You tell me." She laughed before wincing at the sight. "Damn, you must've beat her shit in. It looks really deep." She tried touching. "Uh uh, and it does." I'm gone get her to aid it when she comes home.

"So, how long have you and Shena been friends?" I asked her. She just smiled. "Me and Shena been friends since babies. We found her at the train station just sitting there, she looked lost but she wasn't scared at all. Bravest two year old I ever seen." She laughed. Her phone began to ring. "Yo! Wassup- yeah? Why? Alright alright." She hung up. "So, Shena wants us to meet her in Brooklyn. She's at the Burger King about to meet that Kennedy guy." Fuck! I told her not to.

"I told her not to man. That nigga is bad news!" I wasn't trying to yell, it  just frustrates me.

We pulled up next to Shena hopping out. "Wassup Kris." They did their signature handshake and she turned to me with a smirk then it disappeared. "Heyy, you cut your hair? I mean I like it, I just enjoyed pulling it." She made me blush. "Ughh just make out already." Kris said making me laugh.  "Alright alright, I know Chance, I'm sorry. I wasn't supposed to meet up with him, but this is a last minute thing, and I had no choice. Plus he's got some nice deals." She stated kind of awkwardly.

"It's fine, I get it." I did understand, but I really we're doing this.

It was around 7:45 pm, which means the sun is pretty much set. Kennedy stepped out of his red F-150 dressed like he was going to a fucking funeral. The nigga had no taste in clothes. He shook Shena's hand which kind of irked me, but I decided to let it go. Oh, me and Kris stayed in the car with tinted windows a few feet from the lot. I couldn't make out what they were saying but they were laughing. I was kind of confused but glad he didn't try anything. Shena walked to her car grabbing her suitcase and I could see Kennedy reaching behind his jacket.

He was fixing to shoot her! It's a trap! I reached for the door handle and Kris stopped me. "Wait it out. Check it." She said smiling. "Kris?! He's finna try and kill her!" I was really yelling now.
POW POW!  Oh my fucking god, I couldn't even see what was happening.

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