2. 𝙂𝙤 𝙄𝙣𝙨𝙞𝙙𝙚

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"You still live at the same crib or no?" I've lived in the same complex my whole life. Me, Kobe and another friend of ours would always go to the park in my complex. Plus we'd cause trouble at the clubhouse. I wonder what happened to her sometimes, me and her stopped talking 9th grade actually. She just dropped me out of nowhere and moved across the states. Maybe because her mom was in the army.

"Yeah, never moved."

"I don't gotta hide the whole time I'm around you, do I?" My mom really never wanted me to be around boys at a young age. She met my dad at a young age and had me so I think that's why. They divorced around 4th grade. It wasn't a bad divorce, it was just the right person, different times. My dad lives a few cities over and he has a wife and my baby sister Cory. I usually visit him around Christmas and Thanksgiving.

"You'll be fine. I told you my moms working the night shift and is probably gonna crash at someone else's spot."

"Ight, you got the aux."

I took my phone out and started playing some PND. I didn't necessarily have a favorite artist but I felt like listening to him.

"I ain't know you liked this song. Whatchu know about PARTYNEXTDOOR?"

"Boy, what don't I know?"

"You probably right, turn it up."

The song starts to play and his driving only smooths out. He was nervous that he had me in the car? He was driving fast until I turned my music on. But I could barely focus on it due to his seatbelt alarm beeping. He's the driver but doesn't even have on a seatbelt, arrest this man already.

"Put your seatbelt on. I don't want you to crash or nothing." He looked over at me and smiled. He pulled up to the red light and put his seatbelt on.

"I've been driving for a while. I promise you we good." The light turned green and he hit the gas. He was going 50 in a 30. Luckily the streets were empty because if it was full, we would have caused a pile up. "Unless you wanna have a wild ride tonight?"

"Kobe. Slow down." I just wanted a ride home, not a roller coaster ride. He's never been an adventurous or wild person, he was always come and stayed to himself. Never had drama or beef with anyone.

"I'm just living, you know? We don't get a second chance at life and sometimes you just wanna..." He stopped and didn't finish his sentence. I didn't want to force anything out of him but I wonder what he wanted to say.

"Yeah, gotta live life to the fullest for ourselves. You never know if we'll be granted a second chance. Shit's scary now and you know people die every day here." Every day it's a new nigga on the news for dying to gang violence.

"I don't want to die young. I wanna experience everything I can while I can. It's hard to do that shit when you got muhfuckas who want to shoot you the second you walk outside." He's right. We live everyday just to never know if we get to leave the house again.

"On the better side, it's better to know that you have people who love you while you're still alive." I don't have enemies nor do I keep grudges. Why waste my energy on hating someone for the rest of my life. I wish them the best in life without their bad energy.

"For real, you know I love my moms. She already lost her husband, if she lost me... I don't even know how she would live on." Kobe's mom lost her husband to a car accident. Kobe never really got to know his dad because he died when he was younger. It never affected him, nor did it affect his mindset in cars I see.

"I got you forever Kobe. You know that. I'll definitely take care of your mom if it's needed." I haven't met Mrs.Banks since elementary. I think the last time I saw her was during an honor roll assembly.

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