5. 𝙂𝙚𝙩 𝙄𝙣 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝘾𝙖𝙧

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"Devon, wake up." My uncle shook my shoulder and I opened my eyes. "Get up, you gotta catch the bus."

"I was getting up."

"You weren't but get up. You lucky I'm here to tell you to wake up, your mom left already."

"I'm going." He walked out my room and closed my door. I sat up in my bed and got some jeans out my closet. Put on my 90's rapper shirt, and threw on my comfort jacket. "Unc, I'm out!"

"Ight Dev, be safe."

I walked out to the bus stop on the edge of my neighborhood and waited for the 8. I always keep my pepper spray on me so I'm good. I haven't had a chance to use it on anyone and I hope I never do. I usually ride the bus with this other girl, Arnezz Waters, but she's always on the bus before me. When the bus pulled up, no one else got on with me so thats another social interaction Id have to avoid. When I swiped my card, I saw Nezz sitting in the back.


"Girl, how do you wake up and have enough energy to actually speak to people?" She took her backpack out of the seat she saved for me and put it in her lap.

"It's because I'm excited for the week to end."

"We just started it?"

"You we only got a 9 more weeks till summer anyways." Last day of school is May 21st, god I can't wait. I leaned my head on her shoulder. "I'm so tired of school, I can't wait for the summer. I'm saving up so I can quit during the summer. Then I'm going to get my title for my uncles car, and celebrate my birthday of course."

"Ah, I forgot. When's your birthday?"

"July 12th."

"Bet." She took out her phone and I saw her put it into her calendar.

"Nezz. I'm so tired of life right now." I said so drowsy as if I wasn't just so hyper 2 minutes ago.

"What happen this weekend for you to be so happy and exhausted at the same time?"

"Way too much, I just want to graduate and leave already. I can't wait to leave this trash as city."

"If you think about it like this Devon, we only got a year and some change."

"But thats too long."

"We are almost out of school. I promise it gets easier during the last year." She pulled put her phone and took a photo of our shoes and legs next to each other. She always posted the most random things on her Instagram and never really cared about others opinions on her post. I loved Nezz for that. "You want me to tag you in this?"

"Sure, I don't mind."

"Good, one day when all this shit is over, someones gonna look at my IG, if the app is alive when we're gone."

"I always think about that too. The fuck happens to all the apps we have when we're gone?"

"You know about the 2038 thing?"


"Basically all of technology and computers weren't made to work past that year. It's the Y2K bug all over again."

"Well, never mind. I thought technology would at least stop when we're in our 80's or something."

"They're gonna fix this shit hopefully." I sit up because I can sense that we're almost at the stop for school. "Look, we almost at the stop. Last few weeks Devon and then we have to do it once more and we're done."

I nodded and the bus slowly stopped. We got up and off on the back doors.

"Hey, I'm off Nezz. Imma see you tomorrow."

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2021 ⏰

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