Chapter 1

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The sound of heavy breathing echoed within the densely wooded area. The dry leaves rustled with every step Heala took, aggravating her. The silence would be a godsend. Heala wiped the sweat from her brow as she looked upward to the bare tree branches.

From behind her, the sound of rustling leaves and snapping twigs alerted her of the quick approach. Her feet carried her as fast as they could again.

For about a week she had been on the run from local goblins. Her now former friend had tricked her into thinking a necklace was a lucky charm for hunting. Turns out it was enchanted with some scent that attracts goblins.

Sliding behind a large tree, she climbed into the open roots under the tree. When the trees grew strong enough, they began to lift themselves from the ground, creating a “cage” beneath it. They grew tall enough to hold an adult underneath them sometimes. Once in a while, these massive trees would also have vines covering the exposed roots. Covering her mouth, she listened for any sounds.

Numerous feet hurried by her and kept looking about. When she was sure they were gone, she uncovered her mouth and relaxed for a moment.

At the beginning of the chase, Heala had realized the necklace was bringing them toward her. In an attempt to get it far away from her, she threw it off in the distance. However, it kept reappearing in her pockets as if it had never left. She saw it leave her hands. She felt it leave them. Then, as soon as she would reach for a pocket, the necklace would reappear.

Because it would continue to draw them to her, Heala knew hiding would not be a permanent solution from the goblins. Exhausted, she began to look around through holes between the roots and vines.

A cold, wet, and lumpy hand grabbed her arm from behind her. With a rough jerk, she was pulled out from under the tree. The massive goblin had pulled her out and now held her up as much as it could.

Goblins are small, stumpy characters whose height never exceeds four feet. Being only three quarters of her height, he wasn’t able to lift her to her feet. When he lifted her it made Heala kneel. They have a smell similar to that of fresh cut grass, contrary to the appearance they have. Goblin skin colors range between a deep green and a deep purple. Their skin is lumpy and covered in warts. Typically, they also hold the overall shape of balls with feet and arms. This one in particular held such a shape. His comrades, however, were small and slim. In the goblin kingdom, dominance is defined by size.

The disproportioned bodies made it difficult for them to walk smoothly. With a large, strong chest and long arms, he had no problem lifting Heala up by her arm to just above her knees. He threw her back on the ground and glared.

His fat face twisted as he grunted at her.

“I don’t speak your language,” Heala yelled at them as she tried to sit up.

When Heala sat up, she tried to take her legs out from under the tree, the goblins stopped her by grabbing her. Two smaller goblins grabbed her forearms and dragged her out freeing her feet momentarily. This time they didn’t release her. Two more came forward. They tied her hands together, then her feet before she could make an adequate effort to escape.

“Can’t you just take the damn thing,” Heala yelled at them.

They ignored her.

Heala was forced to travel with them. They paid no mind to any protests, or actions she made unless it threatened their ability to keep her with them. In a makeshift wagon that was obviously made while they were chasing her, she accompanied them. It was wobbly and it surprised her how it didn’t break apart every time it went over a bump. The wagon was thrown together using sticks, and long wooden planks that seemed to have a shape as if they had belonged to a barrel. It was an uneventful travel. In the mean time, she occupied herself by brooding on the circumstances her “friend” seemed to have gotten her into.

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