Chapter 16

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I didn’t proof read… Sorry ):



Running on no sleep, the week had felt like a month. She was glad that Zelda and Ganon had not tried to contact them. But, when Zelda had made contact, it was the perfect time. At sundown, Ganon had arrived ready to help. Unfortunately, it was a strenuous job, even for him.

Oroth and Amelia had done their best to hold off the shadow army from advancing into the castle. The goblins residing within had fled long ago when the new maids and butlers moved in. Residing in the castle, besides Amelia and Oroth, were twenty-five wood elves. They had decided to stay, despite their people leaving the forest. It was a decision that Amelia respected and admired them for.

Together, they had worked hard to put up a barrier around the castle. Oroth and Amelia had to work extensively in order to accomplish as little as they had. With the constant interference of the army, it was a very weak barrier. It did its job of protecting the maids and butlers, however.

“Oroth, I don’t think I can handle this much longer,” Amelia sighed warily. Her young face seemed to have aged considerably. Beneath her eyes were black bags and her young, vibrant eyes were dulled.

“Hang in there just a little longer,” he urged her, trying to maintain his concentration.

“Until what? Until Zelda comes back with the stones and then they go and grab the master sword? We won’t make it that long. We’ll pass out from sleep depravation first,” she said quietly. Her irritability was becoming more evident with each passing minute. The few hours of sleep they had managed to get were not enough to keep them energized. They had been relying on various potions they were able to conjure.

Oroth and Amelia had to meditate for several hours each day to ensure the barrier remained in tact. With Ganon’s help, they were finally able to sleep peacefully for a small time. After having more than four hours of sleep, they thought it would be easy to make the barrier stronger. However, the shadow army persisted, quadrupled in number, and beat up the barrier.

“Amelia, Oroth, I can take it for a while,” Ganon said quietly from beside them. Since he had arrived, he immersed himself in meditation with the barrier. It reminded Amelia why she had grown so attached to him when she was much smaller. Together, Amelia and Oroth left Ganon to the meditation.

“We need to figure out something we can do,” Amelia whispered as she slowly walked away. “We can’t keep this up.”

Oroth grimaced, “I know it seems hard right now, but we must hold up for the staff we hired. All we have to do is keep the barrier up and they can continue their job.” The few shadows that did make it through the barrier would only haunt them when they were meditating. While they attempted to distract the meditation, that left the rest of the staff to go about their business.

“They chose to stay, and we must show that we are willing to protect them,” Oroth sighed.

“We will die,” Amelia said slowly, spitting each word as if it were venomous. “I’m only fifteen, you know. My spirit may be old and wise, but my body needs rest and I need to recover,” she argued. Placing a hand over her heart, she looked into Oroth’s gray eyes, “I care about the staff that has placed their trust in us, but we need to take care of ourselves too.”

Oroth shook his head, and returned her gaze as they descended from the main staircase, “Have more faith in yourself, Amelia.”

Amelia frowned. It wasn’t often that the two bickered. His sense seemed to be leaving him, she mentally concluded. Pursing her lips, she looked away from him. Shaking her head, she ran back in the direction of the meditation room. It was accessed through the second floor of the castle in a secluded wing. Going through a door brought her to a spiral staircase that hugged the tower to the top. There, she sat beside Ganon and joined him in his meditation once more.

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