Chapter 2

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The two days passed uneventfully around the castle. She avoided him and he avoided her. Meals were taken in her room, and she only left when she needed to. After sleeping and thinking the time away, she was wearing the legendary green garbs ready to head to the nearest human dwellings with Ganon. The carriage they had was moderately packed with nothing but necessary supplies. It was a comfortable size for the two of them to both sit up front and use the carriage for shelter when resting. Together, with Ganon steering and Zelda sitting beside him, they left the castle.

Covering their normal clothing were thick hide cloaks. They smelled of new leather and kept them warm from the winter winds that were beginning to sweep the land.

Both had their hoods up to protect them from the bitter wind, ignoring the other’s presence. To pass the time and avoid conversation, Zelda decided to preoccupy herself with the art of carving. It was something she had practiced since she was small. She used to make herself wooden “friends” that she knew would never make fun of her.

Each time they stopped to let the horses drink and feed, she would acquire a new piece of wood to carve up with her small knife. By the fourth time they stopped, she had acquired enough to keep her preoccupied until they would reach the human settlement.

When they stopped for the evening, she went to build a fire and rummage through the supplies for some food to cook up. Meanwhile, Ganon began setting up the small shelter in the carriage. Still never exchanging a single word, they ate, and readied themselves for sleep. With just enough space to fit two beds, Zelda and Ganon had pushed all of the supplies to the middle. On each side of the pile, they set their bedding up. After Zelda heard Ganon lay down, she did as well. However, she didn’t feel ready to sleep.

“Ganon, I have some questions you need to answer.”

No response.

“Ganon,” Zelda said more sternly, sitting up. She stared angrily at the pile that lay between them. It was just ever her eye level. “Answer me, I know you’re awake,” she added with a hint of annoyance.

She heard him move and took this as a cue to go ahead and ask.

“You tried to kill me and now you’re working with me.”

“That’s not much of a question,” Ganon said in a low voice. He sounded just as annoyed as her.

“Answer it like it is one,” she demanded.

“If the goblins could kill you, I did not wish to find Link with you. If you died, then hopefully the next Zelda would be a bit brighter and stronger.”

“The real reason,” she demanded.

“That is the reason. If you were weak, I didn’t want to work with you,” he reinforced his statement. “I was also buying time. One of my attempts to possibly right this shamble of a cycle was to keep the three pieces within close enough proximity that they would go back to the way they were before this. I thought it might do that with the two of us being close. Clearly it didn’t work,” he paused, “Why didn’t you ask these questions when I first told you that you would be joining me?”

Zelda glared at the pile, “I didn’t think about it,” she stated honestly. What he asked made sense, she thought. It was indeed odd how she didn’t think to ask.

 There was a long pause before she heard a sigh. “That spell I used wasn’t meant to be fatal. And it’s a good thing we didn’t fight. You can not wield a sword, Zelda. I don’t know how you were expecting to defend yourself with that. Why are you travelling with someone you thought had intention to kill you,” he asked her, sounding surprised.

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