1. Kabba Yuh Mout'

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"Kabba yuh mouth" (phrs.) – shut your mouth


Andeveir Smith was exhausted and the word was undermining what his body and mind felt. His muscles ached and his brain begged him to shut down for even a fifteen minutes, but he was pretty sure it would become fifteen hours instead.

He was finally home after his long business trip with his father. They went to countries he didn’t even know the names of to learn the ropes from his father so he could soon take over. But as the training got kicked up a notch, he felt it in himself that he wouldn’t want to become the face and backbone for the company that had been carrying the Smith family ever since his father took it beyond seriously.

And the man was not one to waste time nor did he want a son who would do that with his legacy.

Andy was his first, and by tradition, the eldest should always take over the family business and that was what the old man wanted. But Andy wasn’t the hard rugged son he had hoped him to be. The boy tried his best to prove his father he was by taking up the rough sports back in his school days and he even got the offer to play professionally, but after an injury to his knee, he had to step back. And in a jiffy, his father went back to looking down on him.

That was why he tried keeping up with all the statistics, analytics and tried to be as void of emotion as he possibly could around his father.

But there was always one person he could be his true self around and she sauntered into the living room with a cup of relaxing chamomile tea in her hands for him as he sat, clearly trying to put his mind and body to ease.

“Nanny Yvette. You didn’t have to.” He told her with a soft sigh.

Her Jamaican accent was heavy as she spoke with a hard kissing sound of her teeth, “don’t bother tell mi nuh fuckery. Drink dis. Mi nuh know why yuh a mek yuh sour face puppa a stress yuh out.”

“It seems to make him happy to have me take over.” He shrugged and accepted the cup when the old woman pushed the thing towards him with her face stern.

The greying woman rolled her eyes as she sat beside him and sighed, “mi nuh business bout him. A yuh mi grow. Not him.”

“I just need some rest. I’ll be fine.” He grumbled sipping his tea.

Again her eyes rolled and she watched as he drank, “what you need is a spa day. It still early. Mi ago call mi daughter and yuh guh her salon. She do massage and all a dem sum’n deh.”

“Nan—” he began wanting to protest, but Yvette fanned him off as she pulled her phone out and awkwardly tapped at the broad screen until she had the device pressed to her ear, “Livie! Yuh busy?”

Feeling the headache increase at the loudness, Andy brought the mug to his lips whilst the fingers of his free hand went to massaging the aching tensions at his thick eyebrows, “Nanny Yvette, please.”

“Kabba yuh mouth.” She ordered and with that the young man went silent.

He only listened to the one-sided exchange of words until his Nanny soon hung up and smiled brightly, “she seh yuh can come in round nine. Yuh have one hour. She nuh like lateness.”

“I—” he went but cut himself off as he thought about how worried she must be for him.

So with that in mind, he forced a grateful smile on his lips and said, “thank you, Nanny Yvette. Just give me a few minutes to gather my wits.”


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A/N: because my beautiful sis wanted a more soft male lead character and we need a lil break from all the toxic ass men.

My lovely, Viktorshole

Hope y'all will like this. Hopefully I won't allow my darker parts to take over this story.

Don't be shy. Give me your thoughts😌

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