Chapter 2: The 11th Dimension, 1954

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Brian: 🥶 Oh my God! It's freezing!

Stewie: Yeah, my peen just sucked itself back into my tummy.

Coco: TMI, Stewie (Too much information). What is this universe anyway?

Stewie: It looks as though, that this is the universe of the 11th Dimension, set in the year of 1954.

Bertram: Well, well, well. If it isn't Stewie Griffin and Crash Bandicoot. My partner Dr Cortex told me that Crash banished him to the past.

Dr Cortex: But all it did was give me more time to plan your doom. You'll find me and Bertram up the mountain.

Bertram: Don't freeze on the way.

Lani-Loli: Who was that kid?

Stewie: That was Bertram, my half-brother that was once in my father's sperm, I killed the original in the past, but that Bertram came from a universe where he was reborn.

Lani-Loli: Somehow I'm sensing a real fraught history here. How many times have Crash and Coco beaten Dr Cortex?

Coco: Three.

Brian: Wait! What about the other Crash Bandicoot games?

Stewie: People have been saying that Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time takes place in a different timeline after the N Sane Trilogy.

Lani-Loli: Wow. That alternate timeline seemed like Crash and Coco beaten him more.

With Bertram and Cortex

Dr Cortex: 🥶 It's chilly here!

Bertram: This is the 11th Dimension, set in the year of 1954.

Dr Cortex: The bandicoots, baby, and dog are en route. Bertram, we must reach the spot. Ha ha ha ha ha!

Bertram: Gotcha! Ha ha ha ha ha!

Dr Cortex and Bertram went to the spot where Crash and Co were heading for.

With Crash and Co

Bertram: There they are!

Dr Cortex: Just a few more steps and you'll be bandicoot, baby, and dog bar... barb... ACHOO!

Bertram: The ship will blow up, so Crash and Co will never get to the other side.

The ship bridge blew up.

Stewie: What the hell?!

Brian: How do we get across now?

Stewie: I know!

The heroes zoomed to the other side of the gap.

Brian: That went well.

Coco: Let's go!

Bertram: How'd they get to the other side of the gap?!

Dr Cortex: Doesn't matter! Let's go!


Bertram: Hello, Stewie!

Dr Cortex: Oh, how I've missed this!

Brian: Let's slide down the mountain!

The heroes slid down the mountain to chase Cortex and Bertram.

Bertram: Neener neener neener!

Dr Cortex: Can't catch us! Ha ha ha ha ha!

Stewie: Quick! Get on Cortex's ship!

Dr Cortex's ship

Dr Cortex: Crash Bandicoot!

Bertram: And Stewie Griffin! It's about time.

Dr Cortex: This is going to be just like the old days... except this time with Bertram by my side, everything will go according to our plan! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Stewie: Get him, Crash!

After the battle

Bertram: No!!!

Dr Cortex: Not again! Blasted bandicoots, baby, and dog! 😔 Must we keep going around and around like this? Tell me, is this all there is, forever?

Stewie: 🤷🏻 Probably.

Bertram: I'll be back, Stewie!

N Tropy: I knew you two would be unable to handle this simplest of tasks.

Bertram: We can't deal with this anymore, we quit!

Dr Cortex: I'll be on a tropical island somewhere. Alone.

N Tropy: How fortunate. You see, I no longer have need for our alliance. I've found a new partner... and a new plan.

Bertram: Scheming behind our back, are you? That is truly evil, N Tropy!

N Tropy: The Rift Generator has capabilities beyond your meager imagination. You two were content to simply rule over space and time, but I'd rather start from scratch. Erase it all. Wipe the slate clean.

Bertram: In other words?

N Tropy: I'm going to reset the timeline and rebuild it to my liking. I will become a God! Which means YOU won't exist, and neither will those featherbrained masks, meddling marsupials, small yet intellectual infants, or dumb dogs! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Bertram: That's 10x more of an evil plan than that time I tried to wipe Stewie from existence.

Dr Cortex: I'd like to see him try after I shove that tuning fork up his...

Stewie: Cortex! Not in front of the kids!

Dr Cortex: Oh, sorry!

Brian: We'll stop N Tropy from doing that!

Bertram: We all seem to have one common enemy.

Dr Cortex: Perhaps there is a way out of our endless cycle after all, Crash.

Crash was hugging Cortex and Bertram.

Bertram: This is a little bit uncomfortable.

Stewie: Let's go find the fourth mask.

Bertram: To stop the Rift Generator!

To be continued...

Next time Bertram and Cortex will team up with Crash and Co to find Ika-Ika in the Eggipus Dimension. See ya soon folks!

Bertram's Adventures of Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About TimeWhere stories live. Discover now