Chapter 1

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"No, I don't have a boyfriend," I scolded my younger brother as I slid off my black boots and put my coat on the hanger.

Winter here was devastatingly freezing where I lived and my numb fingers were proof of it. I moved my hands together trying to provide enough friction to warm them up.

Despite our house reflecting the same temperature as outside neither of us dared to start a fire. Not when three years ago we came home to our previous place devoured in flames, not when our parents lied inside of it.

I looked over towards my younger brother, who has begun to look a lot older for his age. He was only fourteen when we lost our parents.

He was sitting on the bed with his arms, no doubt frustrated with me.

"Then why do you come home so late?" he questioned me.

This was a normal routine for me as my best work was done hidden in the dark. However when I came home he would at least pretend to be asleep.

Maybe pretending I was sneaking off to see a boy would've been a better cover-up for whatever lie I could muster up.

For three years I haven't told him the truth of how I make money because the truth would hurt him too much. When our parents died and the little money we had ran out I was getting desperate.

One day an older man came up to me on the streets that had become our home, with gold in his satchel and looked in my pale, deadly face. He offered me a trade.

In exchange for the gold he brought I would get information from a man that has stolen from him, by all means necessary.

I wanted to say no because I knew saying yes would start me on a path I could never return from, but I looked at my brother. I saw him shivering in his sleep, his body almost bone and god I couldn't even remember his smile anymore. So I looked back at the man and said yes.

I didn't know why he chose me to get the job done. I was nothing but bones and seemingly incapable of doing what he asked of me. Maybe he saw the desperation in my eyes to provide for my little brother. Maybe he saw the little fire I had left in my heart, the kind that no matter what I would return that money to my brother.

Ever since then my alias would be spread from person to person and they would contact me for my services. After much contemplation I chose the name, Alessia. I wanted a name that meant something strong but also something that didn't make me disconnected from who I really am.

It means 'defending warrior' and that was what I was. I was undoubtedly a warrior, I was strong and I would fight until my last breath but I didn't want to forget why I did it. I was defending my brother, my only family.

My jobs developed into spying, to torturing for information, to killing. I accepted them all, with each job paying more than the last.

So when my brother asks where I have been all night, I can't tell him the truth.

Why not add liar to my repertoire?

"I went for a walk to look at the stars," I answered sitting on the bed with him.

Busting my ass for three years only got me a one bedroom house. Maybe 'house' was too nice of a word for what we lived in.

One bedroom shack.

He turned over onto his side and faced the opposing wall. "You must really like those stars."

So I was right. He was aware of my absence at night.

It wasn't a full lie though. I did enjoy the stars.That may not be the reason I was out but they brought me back home.

I stared at the ceiling.

"I will always come back Tubbo, no need to worry," I reassured him the best I could but I understood his fear. Understood it because it haunted me day and night.

Once I heard his breathing steady and knew he was asleep, I closed my eyes and slept too.

* * *

My ears pounded with pain as I woke up to the yelling of Tubbo and Tommy.

Tommy was Tubbo's best friend and one of the few normal things he had.

Despite Tommy and Tubbo both being seventeen, Tommy was as impulsive and reckless as someone much younger.

Before we lived in this shack we resided in a different country, but things got messy and a rebellion grew. Tommy joined it and told Tubbo.

The next events were predictable. In short, Tubbo pleaded for us to move too and one look in to his eyes and I said yes.

Sometimes I think he uses my guilt against me.

I turned to my side, slapping a pillow on my head and groaned out of annoyance.

Tommy walked over, throwing the pillow on to the ground and smacking my mail on top of my head.

"Stop being so grumpy, Miss (Y/n)," Tommy said with false informality.

I sat up and scanned through the envelopes until I got my hands on one that was bent. Written on the front it was addressed to my alias.

Hopefully Tommy didn't flip through my mail.

"Leave, both of you. Go outside or something," I told them and they complied leaving me to open up the letter

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