in the end it is all pizza

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It's suprising how littel can change during a year and how much during a week.
The whole yearly in America seems to have had litte effect on her, but the one week with Sanguin....
He is arrogant.
Self centered.
Can't shut up to save his life.
But he is also funny and surprisingly kind and ridiculous passionate when it comes to Harry Potter.

Watching movies with Tanith?
Watching movies with Skulldugery?
Definitely bad.
Every time a good scene appeared he started to talk about the most uninteresting and useless thinghs.
In the end Valkyrie had stopped inviting him over to watch movies with her, it was better that way.
Watching movies with Billy-Ray?
Ridiculously funny.
During the good scenes his eyes were wide open (or rather the holes were his eyes should be, since he had no eyes) and he looked as if the world could go down and he wouldn't care.

The most suprising thingh about Sanguin was that he liked to read.
Not once Valkyrie had imaged that the Texan would ever read anythingh.
Indeed he like to read a lot of thinghs, Harry Potter beeing only one of them.

But what had starteled her the most was  that she liked him.
When she was with him and talked with him the good seemed to outweigh the bad.
Maybe it was because he was at a smiling point in his life as she was.
They both were struggling to see a sense in their life.
After all what use has a life if it was used to destroy a thousand other lifes?
How can tge good ever put weigh the bad in her life?

Sometimes Valkyrie wondered if she ever could make it up.
For hours she had tried to think of a solution.
Day after day had went by and days had grown into weeks and they had become months.
Only know she was realising that there was no way to make it up.
As there was no way to make it up to her sister, not truly.

,,What are ya thinking?", another good thingh about Sanguin was that he had the tendency to interrupt her thinking when it got unpleasant.

Right now they were sitting in he living room, both of them reading.
Or rather they had been reading, Valkyrie had laid her book away and then the thinking had started.
Now Sanguin too had laid his book away and looked at her with that look that was always a littel....strange.
There was no sympathy in his look, no  warmth but rather a....cold curiosity.
That of course was the dangerous think about him, he was still a psychopath with a striking lack of empathy.

,,About how I can't make up for what I have done.", the words left her with a strange feeling of relief.
It felt incredibly good to share her burden with someone else.
Even if that someone else was a reckless killer.

,,So what?
That doesn't mean it has to define you for the rest of your life does it?
I mean your littel sister wants her sister back doesn't she?
Just because you made a mistake doesn't mean she should suffer too."
Like most of the times his words were spoken with a casual arrogance as if he automatically expected that she believed every word he said.
But then, Valkyrie thpught, he didn't knew any better and he wouldn't ever be any better.
Years would come and go and he would still looked her with that cold curiosity.
His words would still sting.

,,She is better off without me."snapped Valkyrie back.
Often she had imagined going back.
Seeing her family again.
Hugging her mother and her father.
Going home.
But she couldn't.
She didn't deserve to.

,,How can you be the judge of that?"challenged Sanguin her immediately.

,,How can you sit here and pity yourself every day?"threw Valkyrie right back at him.

As soon as the question left her mouth his mouth thinned and he glared angrily at her.
,,I am not pitying myself."growled Sanguin.

,,Then what else are you doing here?
You aren't working, you aren't doing anythingh!
If anythingh you are worse then me, everyone gets there heart broken once in while, but most people move on.
But you, you...? You just come here in the house of your enemy and pretend that's what gives your life a meaning."

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