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Everything is red.
Blood seems to be anywhere blood can be and some more.
She wonders how much blood Sanguin has lost and if there is even enough for him to continue to live.

It's to late to call for an ambulance.
All Valkyrie can do is make use of her medical traing that Synedoche gave her before she left for America.
Back then she hadn't been grateful, all she wanted to do was leave back then.
But right now she is glad for evrythingh Synedoche taught her.

Determined she draggs the already half unconscious Sanguin inside the house.
More stumbling then walking he makes it with her help into the house.

He looks dead.

If he wouldn't be breathing and if you wouldn't know better you easily could mistake him for a corpse.

Living sucks.
That's what Sanguin thinks when he wakes up.
It isn't that he isn't grateful to be alive....
It just hurts.

Without hestiation he looks around searching for Valkyrie.
She saved his life two times today...or maybe yesterday.
He isn't sure what day is today.

Looking around he can't see any trace of Valkyrie and feels immediatly disappointed.
Wich suprises him only a week ago he considered killing her as easy as killing everyone else.
That was before she saved his life.

Now thinghs have changed.
To have been on the brink of death seems to make thinghs clearer.
Suddenly he sees Valkyrie differently and realises that she is a littel like him and in a lot way his exact opposite.

Suddenly he knows that she is more then hus enemy.
More then the annoying detective.
More then a dangerous warrior.
She's Valkyrie Cain.

For a moment a strange sense of clearness seizes him and he knows he must ask niw before the feeling fades away again.

,,Valkyrie?", the call is weak and his voice seems to be not strong enough to leave the room.

,,Valkyrie?, this time his voice is stronger and he us pretty sure that the words manage to get out of the living room and reach her.

Then the door burns open ans he knows for sure that hus words reached her.

,,What?"asks Valkyrie walking into the room as if he just disturbed her, while she was doing somethingh important.

Suddenly his mouth us dry and he can't say anything anymore.
Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

You idiot, ge tells himself.
Get over yourself and just open your goddamn mouth!

,,Would you go on a date with me?", his voice is a littel shaky but the words are audible.

He knows it is ridiculous to ask like this, with him lying on her couch in her living room after he almost died.

For a second Valkyrie looks at him with a look he can't begin to understand.
Is she weighing her options?
Is she trying to figure out wich way is the best to kill him and then where to bury him?

,,Yes.", then she goes.

No message.
No answered call.
No sent replies to her e-mails.
No anythingh.

It drives Tanith crazy.
The first day she thpught nothingh of it, Valkyrie often didn't respond immediatly.
After the second day she was concered,but nor worried sge just sent a massage asking if everything was okay.
And then the third day came - still nothingh.
After the fourth day she really started to worry, but still thpught that a reasonable explanation could turn up.
At the fith day she called evry off Valkyries other contacts.
Still nothingh.

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