Ch 62: Lost Time In Blended Days

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Morrigan stood behind the bar eagerly listening to Marvin's latest story. It had been a while since she had seen him and she missed him terribly. Marvin had quickly become her favorite regular at the pub, constantly telling her interesting tales of his past and funny anecdotes. 

The two could chat for hours about nothing at all, relishing in each others company and unique friendship. Marvin grew quite protective of Morrigan overtime, he knew little of her past, and not much about the odd company she kept either, but from what he understood she did not have it easy. He always wondered what his child would be like if he had one, and would wonder if they would have been anything like Morrigan. Strong but unbelievably kind and forgiving. Choosing to see the best in people even at their worst. 

"So, what's the update on this place then?" 

Morrigan sighed, "Not looking good Marvin. But don't tell Owen I told you anything, he doesn't want anyone to know how much we're struggling." 

"It's a shame, isn't it? All these young people goin' missin' I think everyone's too afraid to go out these days." 

"I am," Morrigan said honestly, "there are some bad people lurking around at night. I hate the thought of walking home alone at night." 

"Walking home?" Marvin asked. 

"I had to help out a family for a while, their house burned down. Old school friends of mine, so I did the cooking and cleaning for a bit while they figured out how to fix their place up," she explained. 

While the details were vague, they were still believable to Marvin who was oblivious to anything magic related, "I hope you're keeping an eye out when you're walking home then." 

"I am," she said with a gentle smile. She didn't mention the knife she kept, knowing it was technically illegal for her to be carrying such a weapon on her while she walked home.

"How's everything else going for you though? Have you thought anymore about what you want to do?"

"No, I'm happy working here for the time being, I think in a year or two when I have some money saved up, I'll think about a new career." 

"Don't limit yourself to a pub forever Morrigan, you're a bright girl," Marvin said kindly, "unless you want to serve me until I drink myself to death, then each to their own." 

Morrigan laughed loudly at the comment, "Marvin, even if I move on from working at a pub, I'll always be around to pour you a drink and bitch about our lives and the weather." 

"Honestly Morrigan, if you ever got into football you would be my best friend." 

"And what would your wife say about that?" She joked. 

"Thank fuck you're out of the house," Marvin replied quickly with a grin. 

The two burst into laughter. Owen walked in shaking his head, "What are you two on about now?" 

"Marvins nagging me about my future," Morrigan said with a smirk, "but if I get a different job, who would listen to him all day?"

"Not my wife," Marvin joked. 

Owen did his best to obscure his frown. It would be unusual not having the girl around the pub if she decided to move careers. He would miss seeing her pour drinks and laugh loudly with the patrons. But he wouldn't ever say anything, instead he would smile and nod politely suggesting that she look into other career paths. She was young, far younger than he is and she deserved to go ahead and live her life. He had always told her that, and it would be far too hypocritical to ask her to stay now. 

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