Promise [KIRIBAKU]

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Maybe I should change the title of this to KiriBaku one shots, cuz like that's all I've done so far.

I do have a Sero one in progress so at least that's good. (please don't hold me to that I might give up lol)

Also I know this isn't EXACTLY how the scene kinda played out but plot convenience am I right?

Also sorry if this was really cringy I kinda through it together because I need content.

And now, ON TO THE GAY!!!!!!

As soon as Kirishima got back to the dorms he had one concern, Bakugo. 

After the fight with overhaul, he only had to spend a night in the hospital, thanks to Recovery Girl's healing. He was still sore and exhausted, but at least he was walking around. 

Unfortunately, no one had been allowed to visit him. That means the entire class (including Bakugo) saw him getting wheeled, bleeding and barely conscious, into an ambulance, and hadn't seen him since. 

First he talked with the rest of the squad. Kaminari practically tackled him, and Mina cried. After a lot of smiling and, "I'm fine!" Iida finally let him go up to his dorm. 

Knock knock knock

"Bakugo! It's me!" The door opened almost immediately.

Bakugo looked tired. Like, 'the only reason I'm standing is because coffee exists' tired. His spiky blonde hair was matted on one side, and he was in Pjs. Bakugo's face went from surprise, to relief, to a neutral expression. He pulled Kirishima into the room, then shut the door.

"Hey are you-" Kirishima was interrupted when Bakugo wrapped his arms around his torso. Kirishima quickly hugged back, "Hey, were both fine, okay?" Bakugo hugged him tighter, his face pressed against Kirishima's chest, "Don't worry about me, I'm fine. Recovery Girl  healed me." Bakugo didn't answer. 

"Come on." Kirishima lead Bakugo over to the bed. They both laid down. Bakugo pressed into him, his raggad breathes puffing against Kirishima's collar bone. Kirishima traced patterns on his back.

"Shhhh Kat I'm okay. I'm okay." And slowly, slowly, Bakugo relaxed. His eyes fluttering closed as Kirishima continued to whisper comforts. 

He didn't even say anything, he must be really upset. Kirishima ran his fingers through Bakugo's hair, listening to his sleepy breathes and occasional quiet hums. At least he's sleeping now, he looked exhausted. Kirishima didn't know how long they laid there, but when Kirishima was almost asleep Bakugo started to mumble.

"Ei... no.. shima.... I... no..." He started to thrash as the mumbled got louder. Kirishima shook his shoulder,

"Kat! Kat wake up!" Bakugo jerked awake, meeting Kirishima's eyes. He tackled him in a hug again, choking on tears. 

"It's okay Kat, it's okay." Kirishima brought his arms around Bakugo's shaking form.

"It's not fucking okay!!!" Bakugo's voice was weak, cracking and tearstained. It almost didn't sound his own, "You almost died!!!!!"

"I didn't. I'm right here-"

"But you almost did!!!" Kirishima tightened his hug, 

"I didn't. I'm not going to die Katsuki, I'm right here." Sobs racked through Bakugo's body,

"I can't protect you!!! Why can't I fucking protect you!?!?!"

"You don't have to." Kirishima rubbed Bakugo's back gently, "I'll always come back, okay? Just remember that." 

"You... y-you were-"

"I'm not hurt anymore. I'm okay. It's all okay." Bakugo shook his head into Kirishima's shoulder.  Kirishima pulled out of the hug and tugged Bakugo's hands toward him gently, placing them on his chest, "Feel that? It's my heart beat." More tears slid out of Bakugo's eyes,

"I-I can't..." He hugged him again,

"I'm fine, I promise. I'm right here." Kirishima  pulled them back into a laying position, their arms wrapped around each other. "Shhhh"

"No... I-I'll have the dream..." Bakugo mumbled,

"You won't. And if you do, I'll be right here." Bakugo placed a hand on Kirishima's chest,

"I can't feel it..." He whispered.

"My chest is going up and down, I'm breathing." Kirishima pulled Bakugo somehow closer, "I'm alive, I promise." Bakugo sobbed, his tears running sideways down his face. 

"Shhhh Kat, just close your eyes and breathe. Go to sleep, I'm right here, okay? Everything's okay." Kirishima petted Bakugo's head gently, continuing to whisper sweet things in his ear, "shhhhh" 

"I f-fucking worry about you okay!?" Bakugo's voice cracked, "Ever since you started your work study you've been acting so stressed and I never knew what was going on!! And now this happened and I just fucking lost it!!! Even though you're the one who got hurt-"

"Hey it's okay. It's not wrong for you to be sad 'suki." Kirishima reassured, "You care about me, and I love you for that. I'm sorry I made you worry about me, I'm fine now. I promise." Kirishima smiled, even though Bakugo couldn't see it, "I'll always be fine." 

"You can't say that." Bakugo whispered. His voice had dropped, "You always say things like that like it's not a big deal but it is. We're heroes. You can't promise you're always be okay." Bakugo tightened his grip on Kirishima's torso. He winced but didn't say anything, "I knew that already, I always knew that but now it's so much more real." Bakugo ripped out of the hug, placing his hands on Kirishima's cheeks, stroking his face gently. Bakugo's expression was contorted with sobs.

"What if something happened to you out there?"

 The words hung in the air, Bakugo continued. "Eijiro, I... I want to be able to see you again." His voice got somehow quieter,"I have to..." 

Kirishima was slightly taken back. He wanted to tell Katsuki everything would be okay, he wanted to promise him, but he couldn't. He was a hero, he couldn't guarantee anything. He only pulled Bakugo into his chest and rubbed his back.

"Sleep for me Katuski. I'll be here when you wake up."

"You promise?" Bakugo whispered. 

"Yeah." Kirishima said quietly, "I promise."


Ahh the cringe is already setting in 😖😖😖😖😖😖


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