Falling Apart

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TRIGGER WARNING: Self harm, anxiety, insecurity, depression, angst

So this is a no ship story (I know I know, I'm terrible) but I was just in the mood for some good old fashioned angst. I have read enough angst to end my thirst for a while and I got some inspiration based on something I noticed happening in the show. If you can figure out what I'm talking about and drop and example in the comments I'll... uh... hm... maybe also think of a prize or something idk.
This definitely isn't my fav story but it's ok, it's nice if you want just some classic angst with no plot.

Kirishima had been acting weird lately,
It didn't take a genius to figure that out.
His usually sunshine smile seemed a lot tighter.
He hung out less with his friends, and spent most of his free time locked up in his dorm.
He even snapped at Bakugo once, immediately apologizing and hiding in his room again.
But Tetsutetsu decided this would go on no longer. His bro was obviously feeling down, and that just wasn't right! He decided to man up and go confront him about it.
After a few knocks, kirishima opened the door. His hair was down, that was weird. Kirishima hated his hair down. He was wearing a black sweatshirt and sweatpants. That was weird too, Kirishima could run in the snow shirtless, he was never cold. There were dark circles under his eyes, and for a second he looked sad before flashing a grin,
"Tetsu! Hey bro what's up?" They clanged their fists together,
"Nothing much bro, you?"
"Same old, same old. Training, studying, wasting my life playing Mario Kart, you know the usual." Tetsutetsu laughed,
"Glad you're doing well man! Hey can I come in?" Kirishima opened the door,
"Oh, uh, sorry bro." He laughed nervously as they walked into the room, "This place is a mess, sorry"
"It's fine dude!" He sat on the bed, "just between you and me, mine it much worse." Kirishima laughed, but it sounded almost fake.
"So dude, I came over to ask you what was wrong?" Kirishima was silent for a second. He fiddle with his sleeve cuff,
"What do you mean?" Then redhead winced at the voice crack in his voice, I was right, something is up. Tetsutetsu thought,
"You've been acting a lot more secluded over the last couple days, kinda anti social, you know?" Kirishima tugged at the collar of his hoodie,
"You think so?" He said with a nervous laugh.
"Dude just tell me what's up. Did something happen?"
"No no nothing happened, I'm fine!" Kirishima plopped down next to his friend, "I'm great man, really!" Tetsutetsu raised an eyebrow,
"You sure? You had me worrying a bit."
"You don't have to apologize."
"Sorry. I mean-" Kirishima sighed, running his fingers through his hair "Sorry- no wait-" He shook his head, "never mind."
"Dude this is what I'm talking about, you didn't used to apologize all the time."
"Sorry." Tetsu gave kirishima a look, "just move on!"
"Ok well, I was just wondering if you were going to tell me what's up." Kirishima's smile kinda faded,
"Yeah, we'll, I guess I have been a bit down. Self doubt and all that."
"Moron, why?"
"I dunno. I guess I just-"
"You know it's not manly to whine dude."
"I-I know, but-"
"Just have confidence in yourself-"
"Will you shut up and let me talk!?!" Kiri snapped, "You always-" Kirishima stopped himself. He put his head in his hands. The room was silent as he took a few deep breaths, "I'm sorry for yelling." He said quietly.
"it's fine, I shouldn't have kept interrupting you like that. Sorry."
"It's fine." There was silence for a few more seconds,
The red head took his hands away from his face. His expression was sad, empty.
"I...I know it's not manly." He whispered, "anxiety, depression, all of it." Tetsutetsu blinked,
"Dude, are you..."
"Yeah." The room went quiet, "it started as sort of a lingering feeling." Kirishima said quietly, "like a small little voice, a kinda bad feeling in my chest. I wasn't always aware of it at first, but sometimes it would just get bigger a-and I would-" Kirishima took a deep breath, "It just keeps gettjng worse. Tetsutetsu I'm falling apart." The other was in shock, he had never hear kirishima talk like this before, "I-I just wanted someone to talk to, th-that's all I want."
"Why didn't you talk to me?" Eijiro's eyes filled with water,
"I-I tried to, b-but you always said I-I was whining or being unmanly, and tetsu I know I-I am b-but I just..." tears started to drip down his face, "I-I just wanted my best friend, I w-wanted to talk to you and f-for you to tell me I-it's alright and I-I know I shouldn't expect anything f-from you but-" Kirishima felt himself get engulfed in a hug.
"Hey man, you should have told me. Im sorry I made you feel that way, none of that stuff is unmanly dude."
"B-but you said-"
"You're super manly kirishima, don't worry about shit I said." Kirishima melted into the embrace, shaky restrained sobs racking through his chest.
"I-I'm sorry, I'm t-too weak...  I'm ugly... I-I can't.."
"Your not either of those man." Kiroshima struggled out of the hug,
"Y-you don't u-understand, Tetsutetsu I did s-something stupid."
"What do you mean?" Kirishima hiccuped and shook his head, "Dude what did you do?" Kirishimas entire body shook. He started tugging at his hair, breaths coming faster.
"I-I'm s-sorry I'm so-orry" Tetsutetsu put a hand on his shoulder, grounding him,
"Calm down man, I'm not going to be mad or anything." Kirishima wiped snot from his face
"Y-yeah, I k-know. I..." he shook his head, giving his flat locks a final tug, "I need to get this off my chest" Then kirishima pulled off his sweatshirt.
White bandages wrapping his forearm. No, not all white. Speckles of scarlet littered his inner wrist. Tetsutetsu looked up at him,
"Did you...?" Kirishima hugged himself, shrinking away. "Dude, why?" A small sob escaped the red head's lips.
"I-I... I thought I deserved it. For m-my feelings a-and being s-so.." kirishima gave the bandages a harsh tug, visibly wincing at the pain. He tugged it again.
"Woah woah dude stop." Tetsu pulled kirishima's hand away from his wrist, "Calm down." He pulled kirishima into a hug again. He gripped onto him and cried. After a few minutes, kirishima's sobs faltered. "Bro, you need help." Tetsutetsu said. Kiri pulled away, wiping his eyes,
"I-I know. I-I just th-thought.." he looked away, "Someone l-like you, or b-bakugo, or midoriya or
Todoroki or anyone else, you wouldn't n-need anything."
"I think your expectations of me are a little high bro. Everyone needs help sometimes."
"B-but it's not... I-it's not manly.." Tetsutetsu shrugged,
"Doesn't sound that way to me bro. Accepting that you need help and facing you emotions, that sounds pretty manly to me." Kirishima looked up,
"Really?" Tetsu put a hand on the other's shoulder,
"Yeah man, It is. So, maybe talk to Hound Dog later?" Kirishima nodded,
"Yeah, that's a good idea." He breathed a laugh, "God I've been holding that in for so long, I feel a lot better now. Thank you."
"Course man! Tell me if you wanna talk more, k?"
"Yeah, yeah I will." He wiped his eyes and chuckled, "I probably look gross right now, sorry."
"You don't" the red head shook his head and smiled,
"Sorry for bothering you man, you can go if you want." Tetsutetsu rolled his eyes,
"Last I checked, I was the one who came to bother you. Don't apologize. Also," his face softened, "Do you really want me to go, or are you just afraid annoying me?" Kirishima started reaching for the bandage, but checked himself. He shrugged. "Well
I have nothing to do today, so we can hang out right now."
"You sure?"
"Totally!" Kirishima smiled,
"Maybe we could play video games, if that's ok."
"Sure! Sounds fun!" Kirishima's smile got wider,
"Ok! I'll set up the system!!!" They played video games, then worked out and tried to help bakugo cook dinner (key word, tried) With everything off of his chest, kirishima felt the most free he had in weeks.

Lesson of the story: be careful of what you say, because small things can have big effects. Also, there is nothing wrong with being sad! You just gotta work through it and talk to someone you trust in the mean time if you need it, also getting help if you need it.

National S*icide prevention hotline: 800-273-8355

You can also look up various hotlines and websites if you need it, and my inbox i

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2021 ⏰

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