Merry Fucking Christmas [KIRIBAKU]

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So it's not Christmas. Or remotely cold where I am. I dunno I was just in a Christmas mood, you know? It's a vibe. Maybe cuz I watched one episode of High School Musical the Musical the Series season 2 (which honestly wasn't very good) or I just thought this would be cute. Whatever. TIME FOR THE GAY

"You cold?" Bakugo asked. Kirishima shook his head, smiling over at Bakugo,

"Course not! I'm fine!"

"It's literally snowing and you're in a sweatshirt, dumbass." Kirishima laughed,

"I'm fine! I'm used to the cold." Bakugo let out a huff.

"Come here hair for brains." Bakugo took off his scarf, wrapping it around Kirishima's neck.

"I'm find Kat, I promise." 

"Shut up." Bakugo pulled the hood of the sweatshirt over Kirishima's head, "You're fucking shivering."

"Am not!" Bakugo grabbed Kirishima's hand, making him relax a bit,

'You're hands are cold." He said, rubbing his thumb across Kirishima's, "Are we almost to your place?" 

"Yup! It's just around the corner!" Kirishima shook a few snowflakes off of his head as they stepped into the apartment complex. He led Bakugo up the elevator and through the familiar hallway. 

"Mom! I'm home!" Mrs. Kirishima was sitting on the dining room table, which was completely covered with various art supplies. The apartment was small, a kitchen/dining room connected to a small lounge area.  

"Eiji!" Kirishima's mom smiled warmly, "And Katsuki too, welcome home." Bakugo nodded, taking off his shoes and coat. 

"Thanks for having me over." He said. 

"Of course!" She nodded to the table, "Apologies for the mess, I was working on a project." Bakugo hummed. "You can go to Eijiro's room. Oh, and Ei, I got those cookies you like." Kirishima's face lit up.

"Really?" She nodded to a box on the counter.

"Yes! Come on Kat these are great!" Kirishima snatched the box from the counter, "We'll leave some for you Mom!"

"You better!" she called as they went into Kirishima's room. He closed the door,

"These are kinda expensive, so we only get them during Christmas." Kirishima opened the box. They were plain cookies with grain sugar on top.

"Sugar cookies?" Bakugo asked, looking up at Kirishima. He grinned,

"They don't look like much, but they're really really good." Bakugo took a bite of one of the cookies. It immediately melted in his mouth, simple and sweet and warm. He hummed in approval. Kirishima smiled, munching on a cookie himself. 

"Good?" He asked. Bakugo nodded and smiled. They sat on the bed together, Bakugo resting his head on Kirishima's shoulder as he finished his cookie. 

"I'll save the rest for later." he said, closing the box and placing it on his shelf carefully, as if it contained something precious. "Wanna exchange gifts now?" Bakugo nodded, pulling a present out of his backpack. Kirishima nabbed a thin package from under his bed. Bakugo shoved his gift into his hands,


"Okay!" Kirishima opened the package surprisingly carefully, trying not to tear any of the wrapping paper. His eyes widened,

"Ohhhhh" He pulled out the Crimson Riot sweatshirt.

"I saw you drooling over it when we were out the other day." Bakugo smirked, "You like it?" Kirishima continued to stare at the jacket. His expression was kind of sad, empty. Bakugo's smile melted,

"Do you not like it?"

"What? No no kat it's great!" Kirishima quickly smiled, "I love it, thankyou." 

"Oi." Bakugo reached out, putting a hand on Kirishima's arm, "What's wrong?" Kirishima looked down at the sweatshirt,

"You... you got me something so great that probably cost you a lot of money and I just-"

"Hey, no." Bakugo held Kirishima's hand, "I don't care what you got me, money doesn't mean anything. I got you this because I thought you'd like it. And whatever you're giving me you know I'll love, and I will. So shut up and give me my fucking present." Kirishima smiled softly, handing it to Bakugo. He opened it to find a piece of paper. It was a drawing.

(Pretend it's not a gif

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(Pretend it's not a gif. Also non of this is my art) 

"Ei..." he whispered.

"I'm sorry it's not much." Kirishima said, "Money has just been a little tight lately and-"

"I love it." Kirishima perked up,

"You do?"

"It's fucking amazing. Did you draw this?"

"Yeah." Kirishima rubbed the back of his neck, "I used that photo Mina took as a reference. From that time you made me where all that winter gear. Then I drew it, colored it with water color and added line art and a note." 

"A note?" Bakugo flipped it over. 

My perfect gift ❤

Love you B!

"That's so fucking cheesy." Bakugo chuckled. Kirishima ducked his head,

"Too much?"

"It's perfect." Bakugo pulled Kirishima into a hug.

"I'm... glad you think so."

"Don't know if I should show the old hag though." Bakugo said, "She would insist on hanging it up in the living room, but I kinda want to keep it for myself." Kirishima's face was as red as his hair,

"Th-thx..." he mumbled. "Merry Christmas Katsuki."

"Merry fucking Christmas Shitty Hair."

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