Dance with Me [KIRIBAKU]

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TRIGGAR WARNING: Homophobia (I'm sorry) 



I can't sing this it's too high 😭😭😭😭😭😭

"And that's why energy drinks are banned in my apartment complex!" Kaminari finished. Kirishima rubbed his temple,

"Well all my brain cells are dead after that." Kaminari grinned,

"Crazy right? I didn't think people would actually believe it was an immortality drink." He pouted, "I made like 700 yen, but they made me give it back." Jiro leaned back in her chair,

"I didn't know there could be people who were dumber than you." Before Kaminari could fire a retort, everyone heard a voice over the announcement speakers,

"Attention everyone! It's the furry mammal you all love, the principle!"

"Why does he always introduce himself like that?" Sero murmured. 

"As requested from a petition last year, UA will be holding it's first ever prom!" Everyone looked at each other. 

"A... prom?" Midoriya asked. 

"It will take place next week! Feel free to ask a partner!" Mina's face brightened, and Kaminari shot his fist in the air. 


"It is optional, but we highly encourage going and having a good time. Make sure you're fur is nice and shiny for the event! Have a good day!" The announcement ended. 


"Kirishima! Kirishima wait up!" Kirishima turned to see Kaminari running towards him.

"Oh hey Kaminari. Whats up?"

"I... need... your... help..." Kaminari panted, "Asking... Jiro... prom..."

"Oh!" Kirishima smiled nervously, "Sorry man, I can't right now. I have a study session with Bakugo." 

"But Kirishima!!!" Kaminari whined, "I don't know what to do and I've been waiting for so long!!!"

"Sorry! But maybe think of something she likes. You play guitar right? Doesn't she like music?" Kaminari's face brightened,

"Oh yeah! That's an amazing idea!! I'm going to ask Sero about it!!!" Kaminari ran off, tripping over his untied shoelaces. Kirishima laughed to himself as he headed up the stairs to Bakugo's room.

"Bakugo? It's me!" Kirishima called through the door. He head a faint, 'Come in.' Kirishima opened the door, slipping off his shoes. He sat behind Bakugo at his desk, wrapping his arms around him and resting his head on his shoulder. 


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