Chapter 4. A promise kept.

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Tension was building in the back of William's mind as he and the Philip's family drove down the road to the local church, Celestial Mountain Church; It felt like an eternity since he last saw Melody, and he struggled to think of what to say when they inevitably ran into each other.

"Will, are you still with us back there?" Mark asked as he drove through the pavement looking for a place to park. "You've been quiet since we left the house." Kathryne turned around to see Will looking out the window. "Are you okay, honey? She asked. "huh, oh yes ma'am; it's just that I haven't seen Melody in years." Will said, a nervous smile crossing his lips. "Just nerves is all."

"Just try not to worry; I'm sure she'll be glad to see you." Mark said as the family exited the truck. "It's not just Melody." Will said, staring at the church from a distance; Will left the church on unfriendly terms not long after the death of his Mother, and this was the first time he had walked up its stairs since he had been back.
"It's just being back here after all these years; not too many good memories, you know?"
Mark placed his arm around Will's shoulder. "Will, this is a special day for Melody; You're here for her, so try to have a good time." He said. "Thanks, Mark, I'll do my best." Will said.

The center door opened as Will and the Philip's walked into the building. Will looked around the lobby; it was decorated in white, and candles glowed in the dim room. The guest book sat in the corner near one of the entrances to the main auditorium. Mark and Kathryne signed in their names among the rest of the guests. Mark handed Will the pin, signing his name as well.

Music played softly as the Philip's and Will walked into the sanctuary, its chairs filled with friends and family of Melody and Jonathan, as well as some of the town's residents. Upon entering the sanctuary, Will felt slightly more uneasy then when he was outside; he felt all of the eyes in the room were on him, as one might a stray dog entering a stranger's property. He tried not to think about it, though the feeling was hard to dismiss.

Jonathan Bennett stood at the altar. Born into a wealthy family, he had spent most of his time studying and preparing himself for life. He had used his family's fortune to build hospitals in many foreign countries, as well as other important facilities. Probably the wealthiest man in Celestial Valley, he didn't allow it to become his defending aspect in life.
"It seems Melody caught herself quite the prize." Will thought to himself.

Almost as if on cue, the pastor and the congregation stood up, and turned as the main doors opened. The bride's maids and groom's men entered hand in hand, separating as they reached the alter.
The traditional music began to play as ring bearer and flower girl entered the room, the flower girl dropping petals of flowers, Melody herself entered the room, her white dress making look like a princess as she walked toward the alter. Will could hardly believe what he had seen; gone was the little girl he had played with as children, and in her place a lovely young woman.
"The years have been kind to her, wouldn't you say?" Elena asked Will, seeing him stair at Melody. "Yes, they definitely have." Will said, a smile coming to his lips.

Melody and Jonathan stood at the altar, both smiling as the pastor married them. the crowd watched as the ring bearer presented the rings to Jonathan and Melody, placing the rings on each other's hands.
The Pastor then turns to Jonathan. "Jonathan Bennett, do you take this woman to be your wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part?" he said. Jonathan stared loving into Melody's eyes. "I do!" he said.
The pastor then turned to Melody, reciting the same oath. Melody smiled. "I do!" 
"By the power vested in me, by the sight of God, and all the witness's here, I now pronounce you husband and wife; you may kiss the bride!"
The whole congregation cheered and clapped as Jonathan kissed Melody. Will clapped as he looked on; for the first time in a long time, he felt hope and peace within himself. He then remembered his own vow to Melody, to see her wedding day. As Melody and Jonathan walked down the aisle amid the sounds of merriment, he knew his promise to her had been fellfield.   

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