Chapter 14. The Party.

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Two weeks had past since his battle with the Leviathan, and Will had managed to stay out of the limelight. His popularity, however, had grown tremendously as the media continued to run stories about the event; sometimes they were rife with embellishments.
One source had Will punching through the creature's skull!

"A fantastic story!" Dana said as she read through a paper. "But the way it really happened was epic enough."
"You know how reporters add to stories to sell papers." Faith said. "Nothing ever changes."
Though she was still young, Faith had an insight beyond her years, and wasn't afraid to show it.

Dana put the paper aside, and walked over to a nearby window, lost in thought as she peered out at the world outside.
Dana was as intelligent as she was beautiful; always priding herself on her brain rather than her looks, Dana was still very much the beauty queen everyone said she was. 
This however did not get in the way of the reputation she had built over the years as a lover of humanity. Faith was very much the same way, going the extra mile for anyone who needed her.

"What's the matter, sis?" Faith asked. The two sisters were so close that one could almost read what the other was thinking. 
"I was just thinking." Dana said.
"About Will?" Faith asked, a sneaky smile on her face. Dana spun around on her heel, her eyes wide with shock!
"Faith, have you finally lost your mind!" Dana shouted. "Of course not!"
"Yes you are; I can see it in your eyes." Faith said. 
"Well, I guess he's ran through my mind a time or two." Dana said, running her heads through her blonde hair. "I still haven't thanked him for saving our lives."
Faith walked over to Dana, wrapping her arm around her shoulders. "You'll get your chance, sis." Faith said. 
"Thanks, Faith." Dana said, smiling. Faith returned the smile. "Anytime!" She said.
Dana's cellphone rang nearby; Dana picked it up, the screen showing Grace's image.

"Hey, Grace; what's up?" Dana said. 
"Hey, girl!" Grace said on the other line. "I was just wondering if you had any plans tonight?"
"No, I don't." Dana said. "Why do you ask?"
"Melody and Johnathan are back from their honeymoon, and we're going to have a little get together tonight!" Grace said.
"Melody's back!?" Dana asked. "When and Where?"
"My place at six." Grace said. "Don't be late."

Dana pulled up in front of Grace's apartment at five fifty-eight, walking to the lobby entrance.
Using the elevator, Dana reached Grace's floor, knocking on her apartment door.
"Dana!" Grace said as she opened the door. The two women embraced each other.
Melody and Jonathan were sitting in the living room, drinking wine.

"Melody, Jonathan!" Dana said as she hung her purse on a coat rack. "Welcome back!"
"Good to be back, Dana." Melody said. "Good to see you again."
Dana sat next to Melody as Jonathan poured her a glass of wine. "Tyson and Aurora will be here shortly." Grace said in the kitchen. "Colton won't be joining us, but Madelyn will be. Thomas and Bethany are on their way."
Jonathan handed the glass to Dana. "The best for the best." He said, smiling. Dana took a sip on the wine. "Oh my!?" She said. "This is good stuff!" 
"It was a wedding gift from my family." Jonathan said. "Like I said, the best for the best."
As Dana consumed the rest of the drink, Melody offered her glass to be refiled as well.

"So, Dana?" Melody asked as Jonathan poured the wine into her glass. "We've heard through the grape vine of the tales of a brave warrior fighting a sea creature!"
Dana's eyes widen with surprise! "Did you now?" She said.
"Oh yes; they were quite interesting." Jonathan said. "At first, I thought it was all a prank, but when we saw a picture of all of you, then we knew it must be true."
Dana placed her glass on the table. "I'm telling you two, it was amazing and terrifying at the same time." Dana said, a tone of admiration in her voice. "Will had such an amazing bravery about him; If not for him, neither I or my sister would be here right now."

"That is nothing new about Will, Dana." Melody said, smiling. "He has always put others before himself; trust me, I've known him for years."
"Then perhaps you can tell me a little about him?" Dana asked. Melody and Jonathan looked at each other. "Dana, Will's life is full of up's and down's, no less than anyone else." Melody said.
"But deep down, he has a good heart; It's just because of a tragedy in his life, he's a little distant."
Dana looked at Melody, curiously. "What do you mean tragedy?" She asked.
"I'm afraid that is a story for another day." Melody said. 
Before Dana could protest, Bethany, Thomas. Madelyn, Tyson and Aurora walked through the door!
"Welcome back, you two!" Madelyn yelled. "Colton sends his best wishes."
"How sweet of him." Melody said. "A shame he couldn't join us."
"Yes, but hey, the party goes on!" She said.
Melody and Jonathan walked over to the kitchen to join everyone. Dana remained on the couch, lost in her thoughts. "Dana!" Grace yelled. "Come on!
"Be right there!" Dana said as she walked to the kitchen. 
"Will, a tragedy?" Dana thought. "What did Melody mean?"                 

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