Chapter 17. The Plan.

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The atmosphere in the sacred altar chamber was heavy with foreboding as the man stood in the center, staring at an image of a beast; one of many images that felled the room.
For thousands of years, the Scarlet Fang operated in the shadows, preparing for the day when they would reveal themselves to the world, and reclaim it. As the high priest of the order, he believed that day was soon approaching!

With a deep breath, he took in the smell of the fire that burn near the altar. It smelled foul; he loved it.
A man walked into the chamber, bowing before him. He was dressed in a black robe. "Master Ahriman!" He said. "The counsel is waiting."
Ahriman turned slowly, almost machine like. "Very well." He said softly. The man departed.
Ahriman turned his gaze back to the image, the gears in his mind turning in motion as a evil smile formed on his lips. "The time is near!" He thought to himself.

The twin doors swing open as Ahriman walked into the chamber that served as the council's room. He presented himself with his charismatic charm he was known for.
"Friends, I come before you with glad tidings!" He said. "The appointed time is upon us, and the sacrifice has reveled it self!"             
One of the council members stood up; he was dressed in a black robe, an animal's skull adorning his head.
"We have heard you're predictions before, Ahriman." The man said, the tone of his voice irritated. "Your past failures have drawn too much attention to our cause from the outside world!"

Ahriman looked across the room; every council member stared at him as they waited for his answer.
"Those failures were merely experiments, All Father." Ahriman said, with no remorse in his speech. "And the previous experiment yielded some success." 
The other council members looked at each other as the All Father and Ahriman continued talking. The All Father wasn't a man who could be won over so easily, and Ahriman was aware of it.
"It Is the ultimate goal of the Scarlet Fang to leave this frail flesh, and ascend into godhood!" The All Father said. Ahriman bowed his head, as if he had been chastised.
"My experiments have been engineered towards that very goal, All Father." He said. "The blood from this sacrifice is the ingredient we need to finally fulfill our true destiny!"

The All Father rubbed his chin, intrigued by Ahriman's words. "Very well, Ahriman; prepare the sacrifice!" he said. The council all stood up, cheering! 
Ahriman smiled. "It shall be done!" he said as he walked out of the chamber.
As he walked down the hallway, the gears in Ahriman's head began to turn.
"All I need is the life blood of this sacrifice, and not only will the Scarlet Fang will be mine, but the entire world!" he said, laughing!                    

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