Chapter One

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The Winter Soldier sat in the shadows as Pierce slid a file over to him, " this is your new target. You are to bring the asset in, make sure no harm comes to her soldat or you will face the consequences. Understood?", he explained to the Winter Soldier.
He stood up menacingly grabbing the folder and leaving. He opened the file an stood frozen, the girl looked no more than twenty five, she had beautiful blue eyes, tanned skin tone, black hair. He closed the file placing it behind his vest. He grunted as a body collided with his,
"I'm s..sorry", a soft angelic voice says as he sees her pick up a sketchbook.
The girl stood up then looked up at who she bumped into. She saw the man stiffen, she could see his fists clenched then unclench. She shivered at the cold harsh air,
" I'm really sorry again", she says walking away, looking back at him before she kept on walking.

The Winter Soldier followed slowly behind a few feet from the girl as she waved at some by-passers at their stand. She stopped suddenly causing the Winter Soldier to hide in the shadows, he could see her turn slightly but shrugged when she couldn't see anyone or anything. He kept following her till he saw she was pulled into an alleyway, he rushed over. She was his mission.
He made it to the alleyway to see a man slam her against the cement wall,
" please, leave me alone", he could hear her voice tremble in fear.
"What you gonna do about it little girl", the guy cackled. The winter solder tensed but frowned behind his mask as the girl let out an ear shattering scream.

The man was shoved back by some kind of creature. It snapped the mans neck. The Winter Soldier watched as it reeled back and knocked the other man out. He saw the girl sway before passing out, hitting her head harshly. The Winter Soldier was curious as the creature disappeared, so he rushed forward and quickly lifted the girl in his arms. He could see her eyes clench shut in pain as her head pressed against his chest. The girl twitched in his arms but he kept a firm grip on her body.

"Let me go", she mumbled in his chest as he kept to the shadows, he made it to his hideout. The Winter Soldier pushed open the door with his feet, he walked towards the bed and gently lays her on it.
The Winter Soldier took a seat at the table pulling out the file, placing it on the table. He grunted placing his gun on the table. Looking at the girl, he now knew why HYDRA wanted her. She was dangerous in many ways. He left to get some supplies and to clear his thoughts.

Nia groggily opened her eyes, her vision hazy. She held her head as their was slight pain.
"Ow", she winced slowly getting off the bed looking around she was in some sort of hotel room.
She frowned seeing a gun on the table along with a folder. She opened it, gasping at the sight of her file. She dropped it and turned hearing heavy footsteps. Taking the gun, she hid in the bathroom shower with her knees tucked to her chest.
Nia could hear the door slam shut, she closed her eyes hearing objects being flown around, smashing against the wall. She let out a small cry holding onto the gun tightly.

She screamed when the door was kicked open and the shower curtain was ripped off. She aimed the gun but he disarmed her and roughly picked her up and slammed her against the shower wall.
Nia felt the atmosphere change she could feel her fear coming forward and she let it. She heard a grunt as the creature slammed him across the bathroom
"I'm sorry", she whimpered before running out, grabbing her backpack on the way out.
She rushed out the door jumping over the railing landing on the roof of a car that dented under her weight. She jumped down and ran off. She heard another crash and looked behind to see the man jumped over and landed on the same car she did.

She made it onto a busy walkway and hid amongst the crowd of people. She ducked into an alley way quickly hiding beside a big dumpster. She wiped the tears from her eyes, calming her breathing and peeked out to see the guy had walked past.
Despite being terrified she followed after the man. She had no idea if he knew she was following if he did she wasn't priority at the moment.
She kept a good distance and watched as he headed towards a large building. She saw he had a gun and it was long range, 'was he trying to kill me' she thought.

Nia followed as he headed towards the roof, she heard a gunshot and stopped following. 'He killed someone' she thought before opening the roof door, she gasped as a hand grabbed her an pushed her against the wall.
"Let go of me", she struggled as he stepped forward eyes glaring straight to hers.
He roughly pulled her against him as he jumped across to another building. Nia gasped holding onto him tightly.
They heard a crash, Nia looked to see another man broke through the window landing on the building they were on.
"Stop!" The man said as he sent his shield eyes widening when the man turned with a girl in his arm and caught his shield.
Nia struggled in his hold yet again as the man threw the shield back
"Let go", she struggled as he jumped off the roof and out of sight.

The man roughly pulled Nia along with his fast strides, " please slow down", she pleaded as the man grunted in response. He pushed her in an alley way an pressed her up against the wall, " turn now", he ordered but Nia lifted her knee colliding it into his abdomen. He grunted taking a step back. She knew that angered him but Nia gasped, her eyes turned pitch black, she could feel fear all around her.

"", she shook her head as everyone screamed around them. Her own fear stood behind the man but before it could attack, she moved out of the way as the man was launched away from her. She looked to see the creature held him in a choke hold and his hits weren't doing anything to it.
She frowned before rushing forward and slammed her hand on the back of the creature watching as it faded away. The man dropped to his knee grunting.

"I'm sorry", she choked out shaking her head, " I'm sorry", she leaned her hand up to shakily take off his mask. He slowly looked up at her and saw in her eyes how sorry she was. He exhaled before touching her cheek, " I'm not going to hurt you", he said as she looked up at him in confusion, " your important to the people I work for", he says as she pulls away but stays standing in front of him.
" who?", she asked as he looked down at her.
"Hydra", he stated before leading them out and back to the destination he was suppose to go to.

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