Chapter Two

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Nia followed after the man as he led her to a two story house. It was beautiful but she was wondering why he would bring her to a place like this of all places.
She watched as he motioned for her to follow as he held the door open. Silently walking in he led her into the kitchen, " what do we do?", Nia questioned looking around the kitchen. The lights were dim,
"I didn't get your name", she softly says seeing him pull back a chair and sat down, placing his gun on the table.
"James. Now keep quiet", he said as she huffed. He noticed how scared she was and how she kept scratching at her hands.
"Take a seat", he responded motioning to a chair that was right beside him. She sat down as he observed her.

She was wearing combat pants, boots and a red oversized sweater. She was small compared to his built frame.
Alexander pierce advanced towards his kitchen, unbeknownst of the duo that were sat a few ways from him. He opened his fridge taking out a carton of milk and placing it on the island when he noticed them.

"I'm going to go, Mr.Pierce", a woman called out, " do you need anything before I leave?", she questioned but Alexander was quick to respond,
"'s uh fine, Renata. You can go home", he desperately says.
His eyes flickered over to the girl and smirked, " you got her. I hope their is not one scratch on her", he says.
"Want some milk?", he offered but no response.

"The timetable has moved", he explained but Nia interrupted, " may I have a sketchbook an pencil?", she asked softly.

Alexander smiled going to his counter and pulls out a sketchbook and a small box of pencils, " you can have these dear", he said placing them on the table.
"Thank you", she softly says picking it up.
"As I was saying, our window is limited", Pierce says. He continued to walk around the island and up to the pair.

Nia moved closer to James without a thought gripping the back of his vest. She knew he could feel it as he tensed.
"Two targets, level six", he sat across them, " they already cost me Zola. I want confirmed death in ten hours", he ordered to James who not once shifted in his seat despite the mans glare and the tight hold Nia had on him.
He then averted his attention to the girl who had her eyes clenched shut. " she's been handled with care, correct?", he asked the Winter Soldier who gave a curt nod.
"I suggest you not scare her soldat, her abilities are to be handled gently until Hydra gets ahold of her", he said flaring at him.
"If she gets hurt, you will be the one to suffer", he ordered. Before he could continue a pair of footsteps could be heard.
" sorry, Mr.Pierce. I -I forgot me phone", she maid stuttered.

"Oh Renata, I wish you would've knocked", Pierce says picking up the gun James placed down and pointed it at the maid and fired twice in her chest.
Nia let out a cry and James instantly reached out and hid her face from the view. She buried her face in his back as silent tears fell from her eyes.

Pierce looked to the pair, " your next mission soldat is you better take this mission serious. Get her to Hydra, I don't want no mess ups", he explained and James nodded curtly, " oh and soldat?", he paused as James placed his metal arm comfortably around her shoulder, " she's your responsibility and if there is even a scratch, you'll be wiped and I'll see to it that your in unspeakable pain", Pierce strongly said.

James walked out with Nia who held onto his vest strap tightly, passing the dead body of the woman. Nia sniffled as James looked down at her, " you okay?", he asked as she shook her head, her sketchbook clenched tightly in her other.
"No, she'll become a nightmare", she said as he looked at her confused.
"When bad things happen I can project my nightmares from what I see or what I randomly dream of. All nightmares!", she explained as he gave a nod, " sometimes, I can't control it. It overtakes my fear and I end up hurting a lot of people", she softly says as he pulls her into his side.

He pulled her down a dark alleyway, he could hear her breathing grew heavier, " relax, almost there", he softly said to which she held on to his arm tightly. James led her past a road dodging some cars keeping his head down.
"Stop!" She pulled out of his hold, her head pounded as her fear was trying to get out. She grunted opening her eyes, James was tense and she knew why. Her eyes were pitch black, " it's here", she whimpered as the creature snarled from behind her.
James moved her out of the way as it attacked.

Nia stood in her trance as it slammed James against the wall, " stop", she whined her breathing unsteady.
"STOP!", she screamed as a source of energy projected out of her knocking both James and her nightmare apart.
She swallowed seeing the creature disappear, she rushed to James side as he was getting up.
"I'm sorry", she cried helping him stand James looked back at her as tears fell from her eyes, " I'm fine", he said leading her through a dark alley. She shivered at how dark it was, " I really am sorry", she wiped her tears.

"Your not mad at me, are you?", Nia asked holding on tightly to his arm.
"I need to keep you safe", he said as he bowed his head again when a couple past by. Nia looked up at James as he kept his eyes everywhere around them.

"There's a inn down the road, we can stay there for the night", he explained as he pulled her towards the motel.
When they made it to the motel he told the man he wanted a room. He grabbed the keys and led her up to the room.
Nia walked in first but took a step back at the darkness. She gulped in fear until the lights flickered on. She exhaled in relief and sat on the bed. James watched her every movement. He could tell she was scared cold and he could see another emotion but couldn't place what it was.
He took a seat at a small table as Nia pulled out her old sketchbook and the new one mister Pierce gave her. Now she'd be able to draw the nightmares so that she can't project them to hurt others.

She looked up at James who stared ahead, " can I shower?", she asked as he looked at her before looking to the bathroom. He gave a nod. She left her sketchbook on the bed and was happy to take a shower.
James heard the bathroom door shut, he looked on the bed, standing up he took a seat on the bed, opening her sketchbook all he could see were drawings of monsters, death, car accidents and deformed creatures. All her pages were full of nightmares. He frowned at the last page, it was of a man who looked like him was falling from a freight train. He didn't notice the girl took a quick shower and was watching him flip through her book.

"It helps with my nightmares", he looked up gulping nervously at Nia who didn't have her combat pants on, only her oversized sweater, " it keeps me from causing people pain, although i get hurt", she says climbing on the bed and taking a seat next to him.
"So you draw it instead of making it reality?", James quirked an eyebrow as Nia nodded, " does it hurt having to see all that?", he asked. Nia shrugged grabbing out a brand new pencil and putting the sketchbook on her lap,
"It hurts a lot", she smiled sadly.

"You're a very good artist", James complemented looking down at her sketches.
"Thank you", she smiled at him as he found himself intrigued by her. He saw that she yawned rubbing her tired eyes.
"Get some sleep, I'll take the floor", he said but Nia shook her head,
"No, please sleep next to me. I don't want to be alone", she said as James shook his head, " I can't", he says.
Nia looked up at him with pleading eyes.
"Please", she begged as his shoulders sagged. He motioned for her to move over and she gladly did. Putting her sketchbook on the shelf beside the bed, she turned to see he was laid on his back.
She shuffled closer to him, he tensed as her head touched his arm, "thank you", she mumbled as James looked to see her eyes were closing.
"Goodnight", he said hoarsely before he to closed his eyes.

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