Chapter Eleven

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"Nia...Nia", she felt someone shake her gently.
She exhaled sitting up rubbing her eyes, she looked at James as they were face to face,
" I'm sorry doll, we're here", he said as she gave a nod.
She stood up an followed as James led her to see a stash of guns,
"I know you trained me to use a gun but I don't think I'd be able to handle it", she admitted as James frowned seeing her play with her fingers.
"You don't have to use one doll, I know your abilities will protect you", he said as she smiled wrapping her arms around him.
"And I have you to thank for that", she mumbled as he leaned down capturing her lips.
"Promise me James", she pulled away touching his cheek tracing his jawline, "this is it for us. After this and after we get you the help to get what Hydra did out of your head, we can start our life like we promised each other", she said as he smiled kissing her forehead.

"Of course, Mrs.Barnes", he said as Steve looked up in shock at what he heard,
"Your married?", he questioned.
Nia smiled pulling out her ring that was attached to a chain,
"Romania, five months before you showed up", she said as James kissed her temple,
"I'm happy for you both", Steve said as they smiled at him.
They walked to the opening in the back, Nia shivered at the cold.

"You remember that time we had to ride back from rock away beach in the back of that freezer truck?", Steve smiled at Bucky
"Was that the time we used our train money to buy hotdogs?", he said with a smirk.

Steve laughed, " you blew three bucks trying to win that stuffed bear for a redhead", he said as Nia giggled at that
"What was her name again?", James asked.
"Dolores. You called her dot", Steve retorted with a smile.
"Very interesting", Nia commented but James shook his head, " she's gotta be a hundred years old right now", he said as Nia smacked both boys on their backs
"For the record, so are the both of you", she slyly says but Steve raised a hand with a smirk, "ah ah, you might be to Missy", he retorted.
James chuckled which Nia sent him a playful glare,
"Stay out of it mister", she said as they smiled at her. She cleared her throat, "you guys ready?", Steve asked as they looked at each other. She gave their arms a squeeze,"we will be okay", she softly says as they took the lead.

Nia bent down lightly after stepping out of the jet, she grabbed a hand full of snow, letting out a giggle. The boys turned around, their gaze softened at her.
"Once this is over Buck, I promise, you both will love your lives", Steve promised as James smiled at Nia, " I intend on doing that. You know before you showed up we talked about starting a family. I want that with her. But we knew hydra would always get in the way", he sadly says but Steve placed a hand on his shoulder, "hydra will be no more Buck and then you can start that family", he promised.

"Nia", James called to her as she stood up dropping the snow and ran to his side,
"Sorry, I've never felt snow in my hand before", she said as they saw the door open.
"He can't have been here more than a few hours", Steve spoke as they stood next to each other. The wind howled around them.
"Long enough to wake them up", James responded as Nia inhaled deeply as they made their way inside.
Nia looked at the old elevator, " Is that safe?", she asked warily hearing the squeaks it made.
"It's safe", James placed a comforting hand on her back as they got in the elevator.
Nia clenched her eyes shut, she hated elevators. She focused on keeping herself calm but the elevator came to a stop.

Steve studied how Bucky got tense as the door opened. Nia gasped as her eyes went pitch black. James looked at her on alert,
"What is it Nia?", he asked moving his gun behind his back. He placed his hand oh her face, "the shadows", she whimpered, "there too loud",she said as James caressed her cheek,
"Follow them doll. Follow them", he said as she froze and followed after the shadows as they guided her.
"Buck..." Steve called out to him but he stopped Steve
"She's got this", he said as they followed her through the halls. She tilted her head as the shadow floated up a couple of stairs. She stopped turning around just as a loud thud sounded along with a door that creaked.
James had his gun raised as Steve had his shield in front of him,
"You ready?", James said as Steve nodded.
Nia tilted her head, "he's here", she said as both boys looked at her.

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