Summary - Cast

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The apocalypse has been going on for years, too many for some to even count. Most are already dead, gone forever, lost and as mindless as the rest of the dead. For them, there is no rest. For the lucky few who are dead, they weren't buried, they were eaten. Either by the rotting corpses that walk, by animals, or those who did what they had to do to survive, they were not buried. For those who still live, many are alone, or with a larger group, spaced out between and still dying off every single day that the hellish earth still seems to spin, day and night. for some, their goals are to settle down and get stable, to get a home and have kids to continue on.

The rest plan to survive.


Reece King as Seven Mars

"You left me to fend off those bitches with a sprained foot, asshole."


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---> WITH


"Sometimes I really wish I'd left you behind"

Wilbur Soot

"Don't make me say it."

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