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Shot includes:

- curses

WFF means Worst Friend Forever


Two men from the D-Class personnel were walking down one of the corridors in the Light Containment Zone. One of them had a level three access card, which he found in the wallet of a dead scientist. Their current goal was to find a way out of the facility.

"Rico, are you sure you know where you're going?" the red-haired man asked.

"Of course yes, Nick!" the gray-haired man replied. "Just look, the exit will be right in front of us soon!"

Nick pressed the button, and the doors opened. Before the men's eyes appeared a long corridor, at the end of which stood SCP-173.

"This doesn't look like an exit." Nick remarked. "Okay, let's tell each other when we blink."

"Blink." Rico said.

The men slowly approached the sculpture, which stood motionless. Passing by it, they exchanged a high-five. However, their troubles were far from over. Just beyond the next set of doors stood a group of guards and scientists who noticed the Class D personnel. They quickly retreated to SCP-173. Not only did they have to watch out for the sculpture, but also for the guards. When Rico and Nick reached the other end of the corridor, the object moved.

"Fuck! We forgot about blinking! Blink!"

Suddenly, behind the Sculptures, several armed guards appeared.

"SCP-173 located. Initiating containment procedures." the leader of the guards said.

"What about the Class D personnel?" the lowest-ranking guard asked

"Let them go. They won't get far, and if they do, they'll run into us eventually."

Nick and Rico took advantage of the opportunity and escaped. This time it was the redhead who led the way, as the gray-haired one had not shown any initiative. Unfortunately, Nick also failed to impress, as he led his friend to SCP-914. The man was about to leave the room, but his older colleague stopped him.

"Wait! This thing upgrades items. I'll upgrade the card." Rico said.

"We don't have time for this! Security or SCPs could show up any minute! Besides, 914 might just make the card worse or even destroy it!"

The gray-haired man didn't listen to his younger colleague. Opening the door to the Refinery, he tossed the item into one chamber, then set it to Fine and pulled the lever. The machine began processing, and after a few seconds, a Level 4 card appeared in the other chamber.

"It's working!"

"Great!" exclaimed Nick, who decided to check the nearby door. "Come on! This is the entrance to the Heavy Containment Zone!"

The grey-haired man ran as fast as he could and opened the checkpoint. However, fate had it that a guard noticed them.

"Hey, Class D! Stop right there!" guard yelled as the men found themselves on the other side of the checkpoint.

The Class D personnel had no choice but to escape. Rico led the way since he had the card, and Nick wasn't pleased about it, fearing his friend might lead them to a Keter-class entity. And indeed, that's what happened. The men came across a red sign with the inscription: SCP-106, Keter class, sentient and violent, along with its likeness. Nick wanted to flee as far as possible from the containment chamber, but Rico stopped him, placing a finger to his lips and closing the door. The men stood there, listening intently. After a moment, they heard footsteps, growing louder and then fading away.

"Good idea, my friend." Nick said.

Rico waved his hand, then opened the door and looked around. Once he was sure the guards had passed, he signaled to his friend, and both started to backtrack to the previous intersection they had passed. They walked in silence through the labyrinth of the Heavy Containment Zone. Truth be told, they were lost.

"Rico, you don't know where you're going again." Nick remarked.

"Nonsens." they then came across a door with a DNA reader. "We have a small problem..."

"A small?"

"Yes, a small one. Look." he pointed to a nearby elevator. "SCP-049, the computer. We can try to make a deal with it and then maybe it'll open those doors for us, or even show us the way out!"

"You're a genius!"

The men entered the elevator and descended downwards. On their way down, they discussed what they could offer the SCP entity in exchange for opening the doors. When they reached their destination, darkness engulfed them.

"It's dark here as in a dungeon."

"Okay Nick, let's  go."

The men grabbed each other's hands and moved forward, feeling the walls and the air. Eventually, they reached a turn, but Rico said there was still nothing ahead of him. The older man entered a small room, searching for anything, while Nick, holding onto the wall, continued further.

"Hey Nick! I found a lever of some sort! I'm gonna pull it!"

"And I found a computer!"

When Rico pulled the lever, the lights turned on. Proud of himself, he hurried over to his colleague who was standing by the computer, reading a note.

"Is this the SCP?" the older one asked.

"If you think a computer is something like a person with a beak on its face, then yes!" Nick shouted.

"Hey, hey! But what about the beak? What's going on?"

"Here, you've got the subjects mixed up!" Nick showed the paper with the description of the object. "SCP-049 is the Plague Doctor! Fuck...."


"Ah! A new patiens!"

"Rico turned around and saw a black figure with a mask on its face, which was at least three heads taller than him."

"Actually, we're leaving." the younger man spoke up.

"You've just arrived. Anyway, I'll help you."

"Really?!" Rico was pleased.

"Yes. I'll cure you."


"My medicine is the most effective."

After those words, the SCP grabbed the older man by the neck, and then tried to grab Nick, but he dodged it and started running away. He was already at the elevator when he remembered that his friend had the access card with him. Without it, Nick was defenseless, but with the old man there was the object, but on the other hand, it was unknown what awaited the Class D personnel upstairs. The man sighed and returned to his already dead friend and the object, which was rummaging through Rico's body.

"Oh!" SCP-049 was pleased to see Nick. "However, you decided to come back. Wise choice."

"I don't want to know what you're doing, but I figured I'd rather die upstairs, and Rico has the access card..."

"I understand, but you have a disease too," the doctor said as he got up.

"... No...But anyway... Before you heal me, I would like to say something. May I?"

"Of course."

"First of all: you won't tell anyone that... we... escaped... and... I came back here and... Rico..."

"Relax. All matters will remain between the doctor and the patients."

"Good... Secondly: Rico, you're the worst friend ever. And thirdly" he turned to the entity." Fuck you!"

After Nick's last words, SCP-049 killed him and returned to operating on his friend.

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