50 Kiss Challenge {SCP}

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There can be some curses

Site number and doctor's surnames are random


It would have been a normal day at Site-04 if SCP-106 and SCP-035 had not decided to meet in SCP-079's containment room. The Mask possesed a MTF guy who had a level four card and FN P90 rifle.

"Friends." the computer spoke."Challenges are recently quite popular."

"What challenges?" asked SCP-106.

"Various. Some challenges take days other can be done as drawings or movies...."

"Can I challenge someone?" the Mask asked and SCP-079 answered yes. "So I challenge you, SCP-106!"

"You're on."

"You've got 50 Kiss Challenge." SCP-035 said smiling. "You have to kiss 50 different people or things with face in lips not including me and 079."

"What? Fine! It'll be interesting!"

The Mask laughed and then said:

"We have to somehow watch you. Do you have a view to most cameras, 079?"

"Yes, of course but I cannot know where 106 go if he will use his way."

"Don't worry about it. I can make a telepathic connection with 106."

"Excellent, 035. From now the challenge begins."

SCP-106 disappeared in slime stain and the Mask went to the control room where monitors were. On one screen was 079's face and on the others were corridors of Heavy Containment Zone and one was black. On that last one monitor the computer was showing 106 doing his challenge.

"He's in SCP-173's room." the Mask said.

The computer switched on the 173's camera. The Old Man walked slowly to the sculpture which was standing by wall. When 106 was close enough, he said:

"It's only challenge." then he kissed his painted face. "Goodbye."

While SCP-106 were walking through he wall, the element of "face" where the sculpture had been kissed began to rot. SCP-173 was shoched by that situation. The sculpture ran to the corner and fell there to lie in own shit.

Next the Old Man's stop was office where SCP-173 had been watched. There were two scientist there. 106 kissed only one scientist because the second one ran away.

"I am not a gay!" SCP-106 yelled. "It's only challenge!"

Seeing person who was running away and hearing the alarm, 106 thought that challenge wouldn't be so easy. However the Old Man had an ace up his sleeve. He spoke to SCP-035 by his thoughts that he was going to rooms of Class D and the Mask said it to the computer.

"Unfortunately I haven't the view into the prison cells. 106 must take them out to the corridor."

The Mask nodded and delivered that request to the Old Man. 106 sighed and started to do job. He entered to the first cell in which was some woman who had started screaming seeing the object.

"Sexy." SCP commented and then he catched her in order to take her out to the corridor next. Then he kissed her with passion. "Okay, that's enough for you."

He let her go and went to the next cell. In that one and the others 106 did exactly the same thing what with woman. When he was entering to the twenty fithe lucky one and he saw that the prisoner was sitting on the toilet he walked out from that cell. Then the alarm rang out.

"Here's Site-04. We've got containment breach, Keter Class. All personnel, report to safe areas."

The Old Man didn't care about that and he was continueing his challenge. Meanwhile the computer and the Mask had trouble. Two scienist came to SCP-079 who were been shooted by SCP-035. Two SCP's had to be careful. Additionally the computer saw a group of scientist who were preparing a trap for SCP-106. The Mask said it to the Old Man.

"Listen, they want to use femur breaker. I advise you to take care of it."

"Okay." 106 said and then he kissed a random elder ."Yuck! What did you ate?!"

SCP-106 teleported to the office from which his cage was observating by scienists. He made it at the last moment. Three MTF's men aimed in the objech which was standing beside lever which was turning off the machine.

"Come on." the Old Man said. "I know you want that sexy body."

MTF starded shoot but the bullets didn't hurt the object which wasn't moving. If he walked to random person, another person could turn on femur breaker and it would end bad.

"Touch the lever." SCP-106 heard the Mask's voice.

So he did it. The lever turned in ash. The object's smile became bigger and he started the hunt which SCP-035 and SCP-079 were watching. When the Old Man was going to kiss the scientist, he said:

"I know you want this. I saw the way you were looking at me."

"The fuck?!"

"Shh... This is that moment." then 106 passionately kissed the man and let him go. "Okay, five left. Where should I go? I know! I am going to go to 049!"

The Old Man after a while made his way to the doctor's chamber. He catched two guards and one scientist. Two persons left to the end of task and one of them was behind the door. SCP-106 walked through them and saw the object sitting by desk. It didn't hear him. The Old Man walked to SCP-049 and he was going to kiss him but one small problem suddenly appeared.

"Where's your lips?!"

SCP-049 got scared therefore he hitted the Old Man.

"Oh my... I'm sorry! I didn't know you were here!"

The doctor bent to 106 who was lying on the ground and holding his head.

"Alright..." he replied and he got up with closed eyes. "Aaa! Fuck!"

That was a mistake because when the Old Man was getting up, he didn't see anything and so he had a meeting with SCP-049's beeck which got stuck in his eye.

"I'm sorry!" the doctor was yelling.

"Fuck you!" SCP-106 entered his dimension. "Two more people... I'm going to Gate B."

That was a good idea. Many people were going to the Gate B. The Old Man quickly catched two people and then kissed them and after that he spitted their faces. Then he came back again to his dimension and made a contach with the Mask.

"Done. I can't anymore. Farewell from 106."

"He did it." 035 said to 079.

"Agreed. Mission accomplished successfully."

"I will be going." the Mask said. "But one more thing before I leave. I challenge you."

"There is 78 % chance that your challenge will be kinkly but I accept it."

"Fuck SCP-682."

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