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Shane's POV:

I studied her body.There was blood and it was too much.What the hell happened?

"She's in hyper analfalatic shock," the paramedics rushed around doing checks on her.

When we got to the hospital they rushed her into the operating room.I sat out by the window where I could view the surgery.I watched the surgery through the window and watched them operate on her.

Yeah,she was annoying but she doesn't deserve to die like this.I sat down for what seemed like hours.

When the doctors walked in,I stood up upon their arrival.

"She is doing well.However,are you aware that Danielle has a medical condition or two?" The doctor asked,shuffling through papers.

Two?I knew she had dyslexia.

"I know she has dyslexia,"

"Did you know about her,sickle cell anemia?"



"Well,according to her medical history.She was diagnosed for sickle cell.Which means she knew,"

"And this is a bad thing because,"

"She could have died tonight,"

"So why is there blood on her?"

"She must have fell or something like that,sickle cell caused her to collapse,"

Okay,so now I need to think back to science class.What do I remember about sickle cell?

Sickle cell anemia is an inherited blood disorder.It is possible for some people to be ill enough to die from the disease (although most young people with sickle cell anemia don't die). Many teens with sickle cell anemia occasionally need to get transfusions of healthy red blood cells to help carry oxygen to the tissues of their bodies more effectively and treat complications.

"So ,sickle cell caused that?"I questioned.

"Alcohol,she had alcohol in the last couple of hours.Taking alcohol can majorly affect the sickle cells and cause her to have pains and go into shock,"

"But we don't know the whole story,do we?"

"Unfortunately,we might never know.She had a concussion,which tells us that she fell hard and she may have either lost her memory temporarily or permanently,"

"So,she won't remember us?"

"I'm afraid Thats what it looks like currently,"

"I'll go visit with my brothers in the morning,thank you very much,"

I walked out of the hospital and hailed a cab back home.If she had sickle cell and she knew it why would she take alcohol.More importantly,why didnt she tell us.These answers need to be answered.

Full house with a girl named DannyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz