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"Danny,mum told me to wake you up,"

I peaked my head up from the blankets ,Beau.The room felt so cold,I was ready to puke.

"I'm getting up," I groaned,trying to get myself out of the bed.

I got my feet on the ground,but was feeling light-headed and stumbled.Beau ,got down to the floor and helped me up.He touched my forehead and then took his phone out and began texting.

"I'm good,"I insisted,trying to get myself up.

"You are sick,"


"I'm not arguing with you Danny,"

He helped me to my bed and put me under the covers.He walked out as Roxy came in.

She touched my forehead and examined my arm which seemed to have rashes and spots.

"Have you ever had chicken pox?"she questioned.

I shook my head as I tightly wrapped the blanket around me.

"You have to stay in this room okay?Wait,until the doctor is here.You need anything,just use the intercom," she explained,turning up the air conditioner.

"Mum,Jared is sick too!" Beau yelled,poking his head inside.

She nodded and quickly went to Jared's room.

I groaned and flipped my body so that my stomach was facing the bed.The door creaked open and Roxy ushered in Jared.

"You both have chicken pox!You two are under quarantine!" She said,putting Jared on my bed.

Roxy,went out of the room.Jared looked horrible,he was pale and scratching his whole body.

"You haven't had chicken pox?" Jared asked,laying down next to me.

I shook my head and pulled the covers,over my head.I soon fell asleep again.

I started to feel myself being nudged,I pushed the covers up and saw Jared,playing with my computer but his hand was on my shoulder.

"What?" I asked sounding really sleepy.

"Sexy voice there ,and mum says that the doctor is up in 5,4,3,2,1,"

The doctor came in and looked at us both.He examined Jared first and then me.Roxy walked in and leaned on the door as he was finishing off examining me.

"They both have chicken pox,keep them in the room.Soup,baking soda baths and here are some antibiotics,"the doctor said,handing Roxy the antibiotics.

He walked out and I crawled back under the covers.

"Alright,I'll get some clothes for you.One of the helpers will bring in an extra bed,you two just stay warm and rest." She ordered,closing my room door behind her.

Great,chicken pox.I just became quarterback and I'll be stuck in the house for 2 weeks,great.

I checked my phone and saw a text from Eli.


Hope u and J r gd!Games r cancelled 4 god noes hw long.Referee strike!Love u!Gt well soon!

I handed my phone to Jared.He chuckled to himself and passed my phone back to me.

"What?" I nudged.

"Nothing,you are really clueless,"he commented,playing with my computer.

Why am I clueless?Ah,forget it.

Soon,Roxy and the helper were setting things up for Jared.

"Mum!What do you suppose we both do for the next 2 weeks!?"Jared yelled.

"Why not you guys talk?Learn more about each other?" She suggested,walking out and giving us a wink.

"Alright,Danny!Start talking!" Jared stated,rolling over to face me.

"Why not you?" I questioned,looking at the ceiling.

"Because you know me,"

"Not a lot,"

"Fine,shot Jared a question,"

"I got no question right now,"

"Fine,I'll ask you a question!What do you miss the most right now?"

He quickly slapped his hand over his mouth and groaned.He muffled a couple of sorries but I just decided to answer the question.

"My Parents,"I sighed,hugging a pillow.

"I'm sorry,you don't have to continue!" Jared interrupted,holding my hand.

Somehow,I didn't want him to release his grip.Only now have I realized,I missed them.

I felt my eyes starting to water.No!I don't cry.I do not cry!

I started to feel arms wrapped around my body.I tensed up and started to squirm.

"Danny,everything is going to be alright," Jared comforted,rubbing my back.

The sobs became tears and tears were starting to become a breakdown ,I melted into Jared's arms. Now he knows I'm vulnerable. I'll never be able to face this anymore.I can't let people know, I'm weak. I'm strong and nobody should walk over me especially,since Jared knows he's going to tell everyone now.

Jared pulled away from the hug and stared at me.He began to leaned in,his eyes slowly closed.What the hell?I grabbed a pillow and shoved it into his face and ran to the bathroom and locked the door.

I checked my phone in the back pocket and placed next to me as I sank against the door.I brought my legs to my chest and just sobbed.Can't believe it,I'm crying.

Its been 2 hours and Jared has been knocking on the door every once in a while.After a while it died down.That was when I heard someone picking the lock of the bathroom.I quickly got up and ran to the window.I got over and clung my hands to the ledge of the window.I tried my best to hold on,the door opened and I heard the footsteps get closer and then a hand shot out.I sighed and grabbed the hand as it helped to pull me in.I got to see who's hand it was and it was Eli's.When my upper half was through the window,Eli carried me in.

"What were you thinking?You aren't strong right now!You could have fell!" Eli yelled.

"I wouldn't mind," I muttered under my breath.

Eli sighed and pulled me into a hug.He quickly pulled away and sat me down on the sink countertop.

"I'm sorry,Jared told me.Nothing to be ashamed of," he said ,passing my antibiotics to me.

"Great,wouldn't be surprised if the whole school finds out just like how they found out about the dyslexia!" I cried,swallowing the pill.

"Hey,hey!They won't.I mean if there is anyone who should be embarrassed,its him!" Eli chuckled.

What is he talking about?Wait,the kiss that Didnt happen.

I started to laugh with him.

"I guess you want your first kiss to be special?"he teased.


"The one and only,"

"It's embarrassing!"

"I find it cute!"

"Shut up!"

"Wanna kiss me?"


"I'm serious!"

"I'm lost right now!"

"I actually really like you marley,"

"I'm sick,so I can't exactly kiss you and,why me?"

"I had chicken pox already and because,you are so amazing and You don't know it yet,"

"Yeah,I am so amazing?"

He rolled his eyes,cupped his hands on my face and leaned in.Somehow,i didn't pull back.I wanted this to happen.Wait,no!I don't want this to happen!Eli is my friend.Before our lips were inches apart,I pulled back with a lot of force and Eli looked down at the ground and walked out.Great,2 of the twins tried to kiss me and one of them is on quarantine in my room.Why can't Jared go to his room?

Full house with a girl named DannyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora