Dylan's POV

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Dylan's POV(I think we need to hear a new perspective!)

I saw Danny run up to her room and I could not help but think how confused ,I must I have made her.

Alright,the cat is out of the bag.I have a crush on Danny.Problem is,my brothers Eli and Jared called dibs on her.Thats if her and Ryder don't work out.Yes,3 of us like her.How can we not?She is different and we like different.Jared and Eli had their chances with kissing her.I haven't.I know that I will be the better guy!I know her the best out of the 3 of us!

But I can't compete with them.Jared is humor and a rock!Eli is emotional and caring.What am I?Nothing.Pathetic,deaf and all.

I walked up to my room and just flopped onto the bed.

"Dyl,I need my basketball!" Beau yelled,storming into my room.

I pointed to the ball as beau went to claim it.Beau was about to leave when he stopped in his track to look at me.

"What the hell happened to you?" Beau asked.

"Nothing,"I answered.

"Tell me,"






"Okay,tell me!"

I groaned as beau pulled into his trick.

"The dibs thing on Danny," I trailed off.

"I'm still against that,no girl should be dibbed," sitting down on the bed.

"Yeah,but how can I compete with Jared and Eli,"

"You don't,"


"Dylan,why compete for a girl?If she likes you,she will come around!Thing is Danny knows what she wants.If she wants you,she will get you.She is a mule,nothing can change her,"

"I'm so lost,"

"Look,if she likes you.Let her go for it.If she doesn't,move on,"

I nodded as beau walked out of the room.I let out a sigh and nodded off to sleep.

I felt someone vigorously shaking me,I opened up my eyes and glared at the person who woke me up.I saw Tyler,Jesus what could he want at this bloody hour?

I grabbed my hearing aids and placed them on my ears.I switched the fequency and gestured Tyler to go on.

"Sorry ,for waking you up," Tyler started.

"Look,if its something under gay topics.I can't help," I explained to him.

"No,it's my sister,"

I perked up and looked at him.

"What about your sister?"

"Well,she seemed confused and you and her are really close.Any ideas?"


"Dylan,have you seen Danny?" Beau interrupted busting through the doors.

"No,I thought she was in her room," I answered.

Tyler got up and ran out of the room.

"Eli checked her tree,Jared checked the field and batting cages.Shane looked through the rooms," Beau said.

Shoot,I got up and grabbed my jacket.

Where could she be?

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