Chapter 15

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When Jennie wakes up, she and Lisa are quite literally tangled together. Lisa is snoring lightly, face turned towards Jennie, buried in the top of her hair, Jennie leaning into Lisa's chest. Lisa's arms are still wrapped around Jennie, one of them resting on the small of her back where her tank top hiked up some in her sleep, and Jennie has one hand behind Lisa's neck, the other over her waist. One of the vampire's legs is in between Jennie's and one of Jennie's in between hers, and Jennie thinks about drifting back to sleep until Lisa shifts just enough to make Jennie entirely too aware of the lack of space between them, specifically where Lisa has nestled her knee, which suddenly moves unconsciously against Jennie, and she can't stop the way she suddenly jumps back, nearly falling out of the bed, startling the vampire awake.

Jennie crawls back next to Lisa hesitantly, half trying to pretend like she hadn't just launched herself out of bed and half trying to reassure a now panicked Lisa that she didn't mind the closeness, but it's too late. Lisa is staring at Jennie, mouth agape, and Jennie's cheeks are entirely too flushed. She thinks about what Dara said, about hearing Jennie's blood flow, and she wonders how true that is. Lisa swallows hard and looks away from Jennie, and she thinks Dara might have been right about at least a few things. She decides not to say anything.

Lisa clears her throat, still not looking at Jennie. "How are you feeling?"

"What?" Jennie croaks, her voice sounding raspy and horrible, so she clears it too, thoroughly embarrassed, something that only gets worse when she remembers she still doesn't have pants on. She slips back under the covers.

"After last night, how are you feeling?"

Jennie blinks, "I think it made me feel better?"

Lisa looks over at her quizzically, "Last night made you feel better? Jennie, you got beat up."

"O-oh. That. Sorry, I got confused. I thought you were talking about..." she trails off, stopping herself. "Nevermind. I feel a lot better. You know, sleep and stuff. It's pretty helpful." Lisa smiles, brows still furrowed together, but nods anyways. The two sit in silence for a moment before Lisa suddenly gets up and leaves, returning with the first aid kit. "Uh..."

"Don't even argue with me, Kim. You're getting another checkup." Jennie groans, but lets Lisa apply more antiseptic to the wounds on her face, if only to feel the vampire's skin against hers. When Jennie gets up to change, Lisa looks away, laughing when she hears the low growl of her stomach across the room. "Are you hungry?"

Jennie snorts, "Am I alive?"

"You've got a point there," Lisa says, laughing along with her. "How about I cook for you?"

"You know how to cook?" And if Jennie looks amazed, it's because she is.

"You sound so surprised." Jennie continues to gape at her. The woman lives off of blood, doesn't have a kitchen in her crypt, yet she knows how to cook? "You forget, I fed your mother for years, remember? When she ate, you know, actual food." Jennie nods and Lisa awkwardly glances away, seemingly just as aware as Jennie is that this particular subject has never come up casually in conversation between them, and all of Jennie's questions come flooding back to her. She knows Lisa is not technically Dara's stepmother anymore, but she's more curious about the former roles the woman had, and if their age gap, despite it not looking that serious, bothers the vampire.

Ultimately, she decides not to bring it up. "What are you gonna make for me?" Jennie grins, giddy at the thought of Lisa making something just for her.

Lisa squints her eyes, humming in thought. "I don't know, what do you like? What's your favorite food?"

"Grilled cheese," Jennie says, eyes bright.

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