Chapter 21

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Jennie drops herself into her favorite spot at a library table, wondering how to pass the time until Lisa gets there. She pulls out a notebook to brainstorm about everything with Dara, and as she does, Jiyong ambles out of the office. "Oh hey, Jennie. I was waiting for you to come back."

"You were?"

"Uh, yeah. You still have something for Lisa in my fridge, remember? It's a good thing I'm still here, cause I usually lock the office door when I leave."

"Oh, right," Jennie says with a frown. "Are you leaving now?"

"Maybe not for a little bit. Why, what's up?"

Jennie pulls her bottom lip into her mouth, chewing on it for a minute contemplating. She's brainstormed more than enough on her own, more than enough with Irene, and Jisoo, and Rosé, and even Lisa. The whole thing is insane, but having fresh eyes on the situation could be beneficial, as long as she doesn't scare Jiyong off first. She doesn't have to tell him everything, just enough to get his opinion. Or who knows, maybe he knows about this stuff? How random is it that he's Dara's replacement? Is he even from around here? Fuck it. Maybe he can help. "Hey, Jiyong?" she asks tentatively.

"Yeah?" He answers taking a spot at the table across from her.

Taking a deep breath, Jennie starts. "Wow, okay. Uh, there's kind of this situation I'm in. It's pretty crazy, and I know you might not believe me, but I need some advice from, you know, someone I haven't already gotten it from."

"Is everything okay? You're not in trouble are you?"

"It's... complicated. It's, uh... It's about my mother." And something flashes on Jiyong's face that gives Jennie pause. His eyes go wide, and it looks like he's tearing up, but before Jennie can really discern the flash of emotion, he's looking down with a shake of his head. "Jiyong, what--" And then Lisa is walking in the door, a wide smile on her face when she sees Jennie that drops unnaturally fast when she sees Jiyong, who almost jumps at the sight of her, almost instinctively, even though he knew she was coming, and their exchange of glances is enough to send Jennie over the edge. "Okay, what is going on?"

Jiyong and Lisa exchange another set of looks that clearly say 'should we tell her?' and 'looks like we're busted,' but neither of them says a word. The second glance confirms everything Jennie suspects. "You know her, don't you?" She demands, targeting Jiyong first. She's about to turn to Lisa before she's cut off by the last words she ever expected to leave Jiyong's mouth.

"Jennie, it's me. I'm your dad."

His face is both pained and relieved as he watches Jennie, gauging her reaction. Lisa had started walking towards Jennie the second she realized what Jiyong was going to say, and now she's frozen, halfway to her, eyes wide. And Jennie is standing, holding her weight up by leaning with her hands on the table, gaping at Jiyong. She doesn't know what to say, but at least she's not blacking out again. "You... what ?"

He tries again, "I'm your--"

"No, I heard you. But... how? What are you doing here? How long have you known who I am? Why didn't you say anything sooner? Do you know what's happening with Dara? Does she know you're here too? She could have killed you; you should have told us so we could have protected you." The words just fly from Jennie's mouth, and she doesn't try to stop them, not like she could. Then she looks to Lisa, suddenly realizing, "Oh. That's how you know each other."

"Jennie..." Lisa starts.

"No, Lisa. I need to say something," she says before looking at Jiyong. "I know what she's done, and I understand you might hate her, but we can trust her." She gives Lisa a soft smile.

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