The Victorian Girl

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Story told to me by AceofHearts8612

All names have been changed for personal reasons.

Told by AceofHearts8612

I can actually describe what she looks like.

About 7-8 years old, female, and a white lacey, Victorian dress.

Her skin white as milk, and a bit transparent.

When I first saw her, I had to be 8-9 myself.

At that time, by bedroom was set up so when I laid down in bed, I could see the hallway.

At the end of the hallway was our spare room.

This has happened so many times and I dont know if I'm hallucinating or, this is real.

One night, I was the last one up.

I just couldn't get to sleep.

It was around 2 am and I was mindlessly staring at the hallway.

My whole body shook from the cold.

It didnt make sense since it was mid June or July.

I kept on blinking and after a few times, someone came into vision.

Where there was once darkness, she stood, looking at me.

She didnt look afraid and neither was I.

I guess I thought that I was half asleep, or was too tired to have emotions for it.

She stood there for awhile.

We started at each other for what seemed like hours but, could have been 2 minutes.

She gave a playful smile and turned around into the spare room.

White light following her.

I watched it and then it dissapeared.

I dont know how many times I've seen her.

She doesn't seem like a bad person either.

She seems, lonely.

She hasn't came close to me so I really dont have a problem with her.

Again, I dont know if I'm hallucinating but, at the same time, it feels so real.

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