Echos of Battle

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This story has been given to me by one of my friends' mom who we will call Caroline.

All names have been changed for personal reasons

Told by Caroline

A few years ago my parents and I went to Gettysburg.

We had a fun time but, this really creeped us out.

It was about 1 in the afternoon and we were walking around the field where the main battle ground was.

We have had a few weird encounters that day but they were just some rustling which we thought were footsteps.

We decided to sit down and take in the history of this place.

It was so beautiful.

It's hard to imagine it being a place of war.

Without warning, we heard a canon echo through the field which we thought was right infrount of us.

We didn’t see anything but didn't think much of it.

For all we know it was probably a reenactment which they have a lot of.

Right after that, we heard horses.

The sound of their hooves hitting the dirt and rushing past us.

This freaked us out.

There wasn’t anything around.

We got panicked and immediately looked for an employee.

Once we found one we asked if there were any reenactments going on.

He told us that there wasn’t. The last one had been 2 hours prior.

We were white.

We had pictures of ghostly figures in the field that exact moment.

We didn’t find out till days later after we got the photos.

What we experienced was echoes through time of the battle.

And saw the soldiers who died on that field.

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